little freddie is wailing. he hasn't understood a thing that sarah has sung but he can sense that something is wrong. the puppet, grinning wildly from inside the cabinet. sarah gasps and involuntarily slams the door. she whirls around to face zakar. a huge gate where just a moment ago there nothing but smooth, endless wall. sarah gulps in disbelief. then the huge wooden doors fly open and a terrified creature runs out, full speed, screaming for his life. right behind him come two menacing goblins riding on strange beasts. they are armed and dangerous looking. they quickly catch up with the creature and drag him, screaming piteously, back through the gate. before the gates close sarah can see more goblins, what seems like hundreds of them. some are mounted, most of them are armed. and beyond them a walled passageway seems to go on forever. then the wooden doors slam shut. jareth, in all his glory. sarah and hoggle whirl around and both gasp with surprise and fear. sarah's and hoggle's pov - a battalion of armed goblins, marching right towards them! they look at each other, then turn and run. hoggle tries to get through the wall the way the worm showed them. their pov - a slashing machine is coming right towards them. and there is no way around it because it completely fills the corridor. hoggle desperately tries to walk through the wall the way they came in, but it is to no avail. he just keeps smashing his face. sarah starts to run for it. sarah, who is far ahead of hoggle, comes to a door! and hanging on a hook next to it is a bunch of keys. she looks back at hoggle. sarah's pov - hoggle running toward her, and making slow but steady progress toward them both -- the slashing machine. sarah fumbles with the keys, furiously trying key after key in the door but to no avail. she is terrified. the portrait's pov - sarah wills herself away and moves on, and we hear the sound of jareth's breathing. sarah is nervous and eagerly looks for a way out. she rushes by another painting, giving it merely a glance. but something makes her go back for a better look. it is of a lovely, manicured hedge maze. in the distance we can see the turrets of jareth's castle. and in the sky nearby flies a beautiful white bird. and then sarah is amazed by what she sees. a closer look at the painting reveals that the white bird is flying! it moves over the hedges and we see a figure waving. the gallery. and jareth's portrait is now blank. hoggle disentangling himself from the hedge. sarah, running through the hedge maze. driven by the sound of the screams, she has an unconscious ability to find her way through. hoggle, trying to keep up with her, keeps running into dead ends. sarah emerging from the maze. she is stopped in her tracks by what she sees and quickly covers her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. hoggle emerges a moment later, barely pauses before he heads right back into the maze. sarah, distraught, peeking out from behind a hedge. sarah desperately tries to untie the huge knot that holds ludo suspended upside down. she can't undo it and yells for hoggle the nipper sticks start yammering away as they see sarah and hoggle freeing ludo over the top of the hedge. the goblin chase stops and they head back to the clearing. hoggle dives for the bushes but a determined sarah stays and pulls off the ropes. when ludo is free, he picks up a huge log. as the four goblins come roaring back into the clearing, ludo waves the log over his head. the goblin charge immediately shifts into a goblin retreat, the nipper sticks yipping in fear. ludo puts down the log and sits, his big shaggy head hanging down. he taken one hand and wipes away a tear. sarah ignores the bickering behind her and examines the doors. each one has a door knocker on it. both knockers are carved into faces, except one has the ring going through its ears and the other has it stuck in its mouth. the boys are still at it. sarah is excited. hoggle and ludo are still at it. sarah suddenly gives knocker 2 an evil grin. a door opens in a nearby boulder and ludo appears. in the background we can see and hear the wise one as he wanders off. hoggle watching from the woods. a bubble, with sarah inside it, floating through the sky. she appears enchanted, and she begins to twirl, just like the other dancers. the mirror, and in it the reflection of a resplendent jareth dancing with a particularly exotic-looking woman. sarah whirls around, trying to get another glimpse of jareth. she is so intent on trying to see him that she doesn't notice that she is being stared at brazenly by a young man leaning against the wall. he moves next to her and whispers something into her ear. she hurries away, shocked; and the young man throws back his head and laughs. and jareth sees the whole thing. sarah is approached by a middle-aged man who has a box hanging at waist height from a ribbon around his neck. it looks like sarah's music box. she looks down at it with interest and he throws open the cover. but there is no dancer inside, instead there is a stick carved like a snake. it shoots out at sarah and she cries out and backs away. all the people around her laugh and she moves hurriedly on. jareth, who is dancing with an even more beautiful woman than before, watches sarah. sarah is looking for jareth. she spots him and sees him whisper something to his partner who smiles knowingly from beneath her mask and licks her lips. sarah blushes and turns away and finds herself looking into another mirror. but in the reflection, jareth isn't with a partner. he is standing alone, the dancers a whirling blur around him, and he is looking straight at her. sarah, whirling around to face the crowd and she sees jareth with yet a third beauty. and then she realizes that it is herself! in a trance-like state she moves through the crowd to get a better look. sarah's pov - she is whirling in jareth's arms, and she is the most beautiful woman at the ball. jareth smiles down at her and the attraction between them is palpable. our sarah is being jostled by the crowd. she stumbles and almost falls on top of a couple on a bench. the woman is sprawled across the lap of the man who wears a mask with a very phallic nose. sarah backs away from them, frightened. jareth and sarah, dancing. she is smiling up at him, he has never looked more handsome. there is something more open about him, as if he, too, is caught up in the moment. he nuzzles her hair with his lips and whispers in her ear. our sarah watches, mesmerized. but every time she tries to get closer to jareth and sarah she in jostled by a lascivious admirer, pushed out of the way by women laughingly being chased by men. she stumbles against a wall and a door opens. inside, pillow feathers are flying and she can't make out what the several people are doing. a woman comes up to the doorway, winks at sarah, and closes the door. jareth finishes the song and sarah looks up at him, smiling. he moves his face closer to hers and she closes her eyes. his face comes closer, and closer. our sarah shrinks back from what she is seeing. she turns and runs, pushing herself though the languid crowd, right into the bubble itself. sarah's pov - a red tent, and standing in front of it is an old woman stooped over from the objects piled high on her back. she beckons to sarah and pulls the tent flap aside. the flap opens wider and inside the tent we can see sarah's room! sarah gasps at the sight and runs headlong into the tent. she trips over the threshold and lands face down on her bed. sarah's reflection. herself as a very old woman, clutching a teddy bear. at the other end of the bar sits the wise one. the hat looks over at hoggle and shakes his head knowingly. sarah, ludo and didymus pressed against the wall, trying to not be noticed. unfortunately the little creature has no sympathy for their plight. it stands at their feet, making a ruckus. yet another group of goblins running right toward them. they stop in their tracks and start running in the opposite direction. on one of the balconies a particularly repulsive little goblin laughs sadistically. the three look up and see the goblin with his hands on a huge lever. he pushes it down gleefully and the floor opens up in front of the threesome. it appears to be a bottomless pit, too wide to leap across. horrified they look behind them and see the goblins gaining on them. and they're throwing spears! suddenly there is a triumphant yell from the balcony opposite the repulsive goblin, and then a figure leaps off it swinging on a rope. the floor closes and the three run to the door. an enraged pursuer aims a spear at hoggle. he is hit. sarah screams as ludo struggles with the door. it won't budge and he begins to smash his body against it. a seemingly half-dead hoggle staggers to his feet and throws his body on the lever. he appears to faint from the strain but the weight of his body pushes the lever and the floor opens again. the enraged goblins are stopped in their tracks by the yawning pit. they hurl spears at the threesome but it is to no avail. ludo smashes down the door and they run in. jareth is sitting on the wall with all the ease of a fly. freddie in the most precarious-looking situation yet, at the top of a staircase. he hesitates to crawl down, and to lure him, jareth creates a ball out of thin air and throws it to the baby. of course, it bounces up. and all the while his song is taunting sarah. she turns away from him and looks into the large mirror framed in the archway. she sees endless sarahs. and while she's looking, the first reflection runs to the left, the reflection behind that to the right, and so on all the way down the line. and sarah's still standing there! she falls backwards and ends up standing on the floor, watching freddie chase his ball across the ceiling. jareth dances on the wall now as he is about to finish his song. and there is freddie on one of the balconies facing out of the rotunda. if he falls off that, he'll really fall! sarah runs up the opposite wall and finds that there is sheer space between her and the baby. the only way to reach him is to jump. she looks at jareth who grins at her, then at freddie who is teetering on the edge. as jareth comes to the end of the song there is nothing to do but jump. she looks at jareth and can't repress a grin of her own. close on sarah and freddie. sarah pulls him closer, lovingly. and they go on spinning. sarah's pov - her eyes slowly focus on freddie's crib. when she can see, she gasps. freddie's not there! the side of the crib is down and the baby is nowhere to be seen. sarah's pov - little freddie is crawling slowly, but determinedly, into sarah's room. when he gets to her bed he uses all his strength to pull himself up on to his feet by holding on to the bedspread. be then holds his hand out, trying to reach something. sarah makes her way toward her room, delight and wonder on her face.