i ain't peelin' funky shit with my human hands, man. that's a prescription for disease and viruses and shit, attackin' y'insides. fuck that, man. i ain't pawin' through used tucks for a fi' dollar chip. man, your guts gonna turn to soup'n leak outcha fuckin' asshole. say wha? oh. end of every shift pit boss brings the cash down to the hold of the ship in the locked cash box; once a day all the cash boxes're moved to the counting room. well, uh. in that square there. where you pointing. offices. underground. ya damn skippy. that man plays one bitch barrelful a sackbutt. ain't no one can blow the tenor sackbutt like lump, hoowee! goes at that thing like it was a pu-- uh, like it was a woman! goddamn! he-- don't you be explainin' me, dawg! you can't look into my mind, cape man! hey baby, don't be cruel. jus' sneak one little peek. don't let this uniform fool ya-- you don't need to be gamblin', honey, you lookin' at a sure thing. they call me mr. 21, baby, 'cause that's how i measure up. i am the original black jack, honey, accept no substitutions. you can pull my lever all day long, sweet mama, i ain't never gonna come up lemons. that's right, sugar, you can blow on my dice any ol' time. but mr. gudge, she had an ass that could pull a bus. this lady was fine, fine, dandy, divine. say what? but gudge–- you can't fire me. i sue your ass! sue you for fuckin' punitive damages, man! ya damn skippy. i know you firin' my ass 'cause i'm black! fuckin' judge is gonna be black, motherfucker, that's who gonna be black! you gonna stand tall before the man! you still talkin' okay though. shit, man, it ain't about apologizin'! he fired me 'cause i'm black! fuckin' a. man's a fuckin' bigot. walloon my ass, the man ain't gonna roll over for a fuckin' candy bar! the fuck is this? you brought your bitch to the waffle house?! you brought your bitch to the waffle house? man brings his bitch to the waffle house! everybody lookin' at me like i'm a fuck-up, losin' that sorry-ass job, and this motherfucker bring his bitch to the waffle house! come and get me motherfuck! come on, baby, let's get it on! fuck you, man. damn right you won't. it's just my way of sayin', well, goddamnit, i don't know what it's like walkin' in your shoes, bein' all tightass and all, and you don't know what it's like to walk in my shoes, but, well. you know, there's the custodian, and then there's the man inside the custodian, y'understand what i'm sayin'. and that man has needs, dig, and i guess those needs, mr. gudge, which they usually involve women with big asses, well those motherfuckin' needs sometimes well up over the custodian like the motherfuckin' johnstown flood. but my point is it ain't gonna happen again. not if it's humanly possible. but jesus, if you'd seen the ass on that girl, mr. gudge, you'd a wanted her sitting on your face too. ya damn skippy. fuck you, man, i ain't your house nigger. i'm the inside man! i don't wanna know shit from you. huh? i don't give a shit who they were. just tell me when they gonna leave. you know what, man? i don't vote. so fuck you. and the bus you rode in on! he's the motherfuckin' piece of igneous. you gotta go find it, dipshit! perfectly all right? you just blew your fucking finger off! well get back down there and find it, man! i ain't pickin' up your goddamn finger! they can sew that shit back on, jack! like that guy his wife cut his dick off! just sewed that motherfucker back on! saw that motherfucker in a porno! thing still works! you gonna sue yaself for blowin' off your finger? we don't give a shit! man can blow his own dick off, don't make no nevermind to us! we don't gotta pay the man for goin' around blowin' off body parts! getcha head outcha ass, man! you pull on your prick you get phantom feeling. greedy motherfuck. me, dickwad. well ain't that somethin'. say what? oh man, you shouldn't be using the men's room-- you shoulda shit back in the house, man! we don't want elron finding you in the goddamn crapper! you are disgusting, man. all right, follow me. oh fuck, man, i don't wanna know about it. well maybe you should sign me up, man, 'cause you startin' to irritate my bowel. man, i don't wanna hear a single one a them stories. not one fuckin' story! you one fucked- up motherfucker! you-- shut the fuck up! grab your bag and get in that fucking hole! motherfucker can't stop talking, can't stop shitting. motherfucker tell everyone about his motherfuckin' asshole. no one gives a shit about his asshole. nobody interested in another man's asshole. or his bitch's. you just fart? y'all been celebratin'?. motherfuck! i know how to discomplicate it! put a cap in the old lady's head! then everything simple again! well -- fuck, man! what we gonna do, give the money back and go to church?! you one whiney motherfucker! i squeeze your nutsack you keep that up! motherfucker. i'm sorry, ma'am, i-- i can't do it! she reminds me of my mama. i can't shoot my mama! you motherfuckers just draw straws again. fuck you. and your irritated bowel. i can't shoot that old lady. what the fuck you talkin' about, man? you think this a melon-baller, you do it, man! she just an old colored lady to you -- you do it, man! what you say, you whiney motherfucker? i come up your irritated ass with this -- motherfuckin' gun-- you fuck! you ain't no fuckin' man, fuckin' a sixty-year-old lady in pigtails! i seen virginia hams i'd rather stick my dick in than your old--