one, mountain! scrub two! scrub three! four, mountain! okay. okay. we're prepared for that. mountain, bring otto with the apparatus. world war i vintage gas mask. it's authentic. strapped on, of course, so it can't fall off. the animal is free to be as active as he wants, doesn't inhibit his movement, and i think it really sells the whole doughboy thing-- nnnnrnff! no, nothing, uh. you're absolutely right, the gas mask is a whimsical concept-- well, you're absolutely right–- of course not, that would be inappropriate-- no no-- easiest thing in the world. i just thought -- but the canteen is much better. good concept. let's go with that-- well, he's uh. just breathe normally, otto. oh, he can breathe, that thing is -- just breathe normally, otto. of course. easiest thing in the world. it's on good and tight, i, uh. just breathe normally, otto. don't have my leatherman. mountain! give me your leatherman! chop chop! good idea! ice water, treats-– right! of course! no, that's me -- i -- the leatherman. here we go. come on, otto! mountain, have electric run me a stinger! don't give up on me, otto! mountain, i need two live leads! goddamnit! otto's gonna have brain damage in about ninety seconds! okay! kiss of life! happy to be on board. he can't do that. you could sue him. open and shut case. this is not 1952. i'm afraid there's a setback on the tunneling front too. we've run into a pretty large rock, and-- oh, we can get through the rock, no worries there. simplest thing in the world. why we blow right through it; i've got a pyro license, we bore a hole in the rock, pack in a little plastique; igneous blows pretty good, and we-- who? yes, mountain, we were just talking about that, and some plastique. this is mountain girl. mountain is my right hand. she helps me with ordnance. helps me with damn near everything. of course. i understand that. but this is mountain. i don't keep secrets from mountain. that's not how you maintain a loving, caring relationship. look, you, i'll thank you to stop referring to mountain that way. she's the other half of my life. you son of a bitch punk! shut your goddamn mouth! nobody talks to mountain girl that way. she had an abusive family! little punk. i got syrup on my safari jacket. mountain girl. of course. wouldn't have it any other way. up yours, punk. the drill bit's getting awfully hot. gawain, maybe you could fill a hudson sprayer and spritz it down while i drill. look, are you gonna have a bug up your ass for the rest of the time we work together? no no, me and this gentleman here have to get square. let me tell you something, macsam. you wanna know something? i'm gonna tell you how i came down to mississippi. wasn't born here, you know. i'm from scranton, pennsylvania. nnnff! scranton, pennsylvania. came down here in 1964. greyhound bus. with the freedom riders. you know who the freedom riders were, macsam? the freedom riders, my fine young man, were a group of concerned liberals from up north -- whites, negros, and yes, jewish people -- all working together, just like we are here. concerned citizens who came down here so that local black people could have their civil liberties. so that people like you could have the vote. what, brother? why you fucking-- that's it! let's step outside, macsam! all right, safety meeting, let's listen up. general, could you hand me the prima cord and the compound there. before we set the charge we'll run through our procedure. i have earplugs for whoever wants them. just wedge them in your ears. now here we have -- not yet, lump. now. prima cord. gelatinite. c4. time comes, we pack the hole in the rock with the c4 and insert two leads. and b. charge comes from a battery that is inside this plunger. ordinary auto battery, you can pick it up at sears, easiest thing in the world. this is the same procedure we will be using when we collapse the tunnel after entering the casino vault and returning to the root cellar. this is for your own protection, so pay close attention. once these materials are combined only the professionals may handle them. that means me, or the general. separately they are harmless-completely inert. why, you could light this stuff on fire, hit it with a hammer-- why, it's nothing to make a fuss about. perfectly all right. happens all the time. no, no. really, i'm perfectly all right. sure, but-- of course. simplest thing in the world. microsurgery-- oh yes, they have remarkable abilities in the, uh. i don't know what all the fuss is about. of course. why, it's child's play now, easiest thing in the world. only a couple of feet separate us from the vault. just the usual spadework until we hit the masonry of the vault, and then we drill through. oh, i should think so, it's only one finger. inhibits me in doing finer work, of course. i'll always have to live with that. ahem. maybe, and i'm just thinking out loud here, maybe since, as you say, it will present problems later. well, maybe -- and this is something i've talked over with mountain girl, and she agrees with me, so it's not just one person's opinion -- maybe i should get a little extra compensation for the accident. somewhat larger share. why, if this were any other line of work i'd be getting workmen's comp, wouldn't i? might even have a pretty good lawsuit. well that is simply asinine-- but if it were-- look, you-- well, okay, majority rules, like i say, it was just a trial balloon. hand's not so bad really, i even get some phantom feeling. it will be twelve-fifteen? hnnnn. arrunggggh! rnffff. mmmmnggh! ibs! ibs! irritable bowel syndrome! is there a men's room down here?! or a lady's room! ibs! quickly! no choice! quickly! it's a medical condition! feel thirty pounds lighter. thank you for being so understanding. not everyone is, of course, which is why the biggest challenge of ibs is educating the public. afflicts over two million people yet most of us have never heard of it. and it strikes without regard to age, gender or race. that's the kind of attitude we're fighting. i guess i never told you, that's how mountain girl and i met. they had an ibs weekend at grossinger's, in the catskills. of course the tourist business up there has suffered, with the demise of the borscht belt. so they have different promotions, mixers, so on. this was a weekend for irritable bowel singles to meet and support each other and share stories. well, some of them are very-- huh. looks like an ikegami. oh yeah. mm-hm. i'm not sure whether it's broadcasting. um-hm. no. hard wire. look, i didn't choose to have ibs-- there's no cure, you know. only control. lifelong condition. not complaining, just fact. and i did meet mountain. charge should've gone off already. the charge to collapse the tunnel. i set it for eight minutes. of course. i understand. she certainly does. huh. nnnnrungh. huh? what the-- perfectly all right. not a problem. that's right. don't trust the banks. never have. sure, easiest thing in the world. i could whip up a little mortar in one of those snow saucers, lay the bricks, anchor in some chains, mountain has a source for the manacles. well, sure, fair enough. i'm thinking, though, that since i lost my finger -- i mean, literally lost it because of that goddamn cat -- maybe i should be excused from this thing. hard for me to squeeze a trigger anyway-- listen, punk-- well, okay. it was just a trial balloon. long straw. you all see it. all your fuss over nothing, punk. wait a minute. you've got to accept your responsibilities, young man. now look here, it's the easiest thing in the world. pretend her head is a casaba melon, and the gun is a melon- baller, and-- look, with equal rights come equal responsibilities-- why you sniveling little coward! you think you scare me, you mewling punk! you don't scare me! bull connor and all his dogs didn't scare me! be a man! be a man! why you bastard punk! mountain girl is fifty-three! she could ride your ass to jelly! oh my god. i think he's hit! i'll just check the carotid artery. that's a negative. sure he's dead. i checked his carotid artery. they back yet? good. i'll go dump these in the hearse. pulling him again. a smile is beginning to play at the corners of his mouth. no extra share, huh. nnnrnf. oof! mountain. nnrungh! aaarmh. ninnnff. offffflleghhll. nnnnnmmmmfffgh!