sheriff wyner. afternoon, miz munson. mackatee funthes? oh yeah, believe i do. uh-huh. well-- he-- uh-huh. i could-- no ma'am-- it's been disturbin' othar then, has it? i don't think i-- yes ma'am. yes'm-- mm-mm-- help him? well, we're here to help. no ma'am. many what ma'am? no ma'am-- mm-hm. yes ma'am. miz munson. could it possibly wait, ma'am? we're a little busy today. call you right back. you know something about it? you. you have what at home, now? mm-hmm. does he now. oh yes. angry, was he? i expect so. so you want us to go fetch him. well. why don't you just keep it, miz munson. how's that ma'am? yes ma'am? that'd be nice, ma'am. thank you for the information, ma'am.