you wouldn't believe this shit, sometimes even out here on the casino floor you gonna find sanitary napkin shit stuck there, tucks, i don't know what the fuck people do while they're gambling here man. you gotta do it. mr. gudge checks everything. man is a motherfuck. shit -- looka this. you keep an eye out, man. i found a hundred-dollar chip once. i said it was a hundred. this tunnel leads back onto land. to the office for all the people work for mannex. mannex corporation. owns the lady luck 'n three other boats. this is where they think on their corporate shit, gudge and them. the lights is ugly but it ain't as many tucks. yo, motherfuck! lemme in! kiss my ass. this is where they count the dough. you try to take any of it elron there shoot your ass. this place is a fuckin' pigsty. you a pig, man, nothin' but a squeaky ol' motherfuckin' pig. you got fuckin' kocoa krispies in ya uniform man, still got breakfast there and you eatin' motherfuckin' lunch. you a disgrace before motherfuckin' god. you a motherfuck-- oh, hello mr. gudge, how we be this mornin'? he is a cleaning motherfucker, man!