oh, my husband passed away almost two years ago. oh well, i'm sorry. i didn't realize you keep such a firm track of the dead. oh yes. i killed him. oh, yes. well, he was very ill and he refused to go see a doctor and well. i think he had alzheimer's, he would be coherent one day, incoherent the next and one coherent day, he asked me to end his suffering. i wouldn't do it but he kept insisting and insisting and deteriorating till the point the only cognitive thing he could really do was that i finish him off. finally i just gave in and hit him on the head with a skillet then buried him under the bulkhead. dig him up if you don't believe me, javert. come and get it. i haven't broken any laws. the reason i lied is if i'd told you the truth, you'd just hunt it down and kill it which seems to be exactly what you're doing. about six years. he first appeared in may of nineteen-ninety-one. bernie was out fishing and it followed him home. so we threw him some scraps and well. he didn't seem to bother anybody. he became kind of like a pet who lived in the wild. no. do you? no, i did not. the crocodile did kill him, though. but it was all. it was a mistake. one of our horses got loose two years ago, went to the lake to drink and. well the crocodile started coming in, bernie went to intercede and. it was all a terrible misunderstanding. if i reported it, they would've sent people to kill it. nobody lives on this lake. it's really his lake now. murders and rapes in the cities. people bomb planes. can the police stop them? no. but feed one little cow to a crocodile. thank you, officer fuckmeat. i'll sue you. you can't take a cow by eminent domain. you're all fuckers. vicious little fuckers. cute little buttons. mommy loves you. come eat your supper little buttons. nibble mommy's toes.