you beat me. balls. i need some of you to help me unpack. you and you. not you. who do we have from fish and game? i could see the algae blooms just coming in, how long has this lake been stagnant? hi, hector cyr. the earth is round and so should you be. i'll need any and all topographic studies. i apologize, i just don't want to lose the light, we've got time for a quick scout, you've had work done. hector cyr, i said it once, let me know when it sinks in, have you seen it? they've been migrating north, kelly, this lake connects to the ocean,-- c'mon, we're losing light, why does the big one heckle me? that hurt my feelings. if he's here, i'll find him. did she tell you we had sex together? even so, you're allowed to boast. you look thin by the way, i've mentally undressed you, i can see your ribcage. they have saltwater glands, they can swim across oceans, it's only a matter of time. they can survive winter. as long as their nostrils don't freeze, they survive, am i foolish to explain things, he had such trouble with my name? is this where it happened? if he's eaten in the area, he shouldn't be far away. crocs hang around the food source. 'cept he wasn't before, was he? you know, when friends or family members say things, they tend not to register so sometimes it helps to hear it from a total stranger. you're fat. what's going on? such the flirt. some decomposition, little acidic, it has been swallowed. is this the man who was killed? well, you've got a croc alright, they're keystone species. species, keystones affect the entire ecosystem, that could explain all these worms, the water. you've got a crocodile. bury your friend. you're a beautiful woman. and law enforcement, such dangerous work. the idea that you could die suddenly with no offspring, disconcerting, let's mate, commit your genes to perpetuity. cocktail? they come on land and they're brazen. they're also attracted to noise, you can see i make a lot of it. could she stay, we've tentatively scheduled intercourse. and you like me. deep down, gut check. i'm growing fond of you and it's liberating to say so. that hurt my feelings. looking into a gun barrel. he screams. keough screams. then-- jesus christ!! what are you doing?! i'm laying a spring trap! i keep telling you, they can come on land, i don't wanna wake up in the middle of the night-- this could end up saving your life,-- they don't really attack underwater and-- no crocodile has ever-- and what if i tranq him kelly? he drowns. you think about that? crocodiles don't sever with their teeth, their molars are blunt. what i'm saying is if it's a crocodile that cut a man in half he would have to be over twenty feet which would make him well over a hundred years old, it would be unthinkable to destroy him. two years married, divorced, used to be a lawyer, quit, i'm still waiting on his sperm count. as if. will you miss me? no thank you, but maybe later you can chew the bark off my big fat log. i'm sorry. was he a good man? whenever somebody dies i consider it such a waste that i didn't know him better. i used to have this recurring nightmare that i was headless. i'd be on the ground looking up at my body, no head, walking around bumping into everything. and my parents wouldn't let me in the house 'cause they'd just bought all these new antique lamps and they were afraid i'd knock them over, made sense, and meanwhile, the neighborhood bullies would see my round little head on the ground looking like a ball, and they'd come rushing over to start up a game of soccer. i'd actually feel grateful just for being allowed into the contest, that's esteem for you, what are your thoughts? this is a setback. beg pardon? sorry to intrude but hank seems to have gotten himself stuck in a tree. i probably could've accomplished freeing him myself but he had a look of mayhem on his upside down face. promise you won't kill me, first. are you sure? obviously some asshole in hong kong flushed him down a toilet. maybe he doesn't play well with others. bite my bishop. at school they'd always say "go" first. he never said "go". what's that? just spit him back out. some shall live, some shall die, arbitrarily, sound like any higher power we know? sobek. half man, half croc, oldest god-- that sounds good but underneath it's hurtful. nightcap? it happens when i land. 'cause this is the cove he obviously lives in. i need to see his habitat. he's not gonna hurt me. oh. my. i suddenly feel a bit foolish. you're different from the others. holy spirit of sobek. holy ghost. holy shit. just turn the ignition, it's fuel injected. i know under the circumstances, biting off my head might seem viable. it would cheapen you. no. if you don't kill him instantly, i'm dead and you'll only kill him instantly if you get his brain, which is about the size of a cherry. and even if you were on target, a bullet might not penetrate his hide. move over!! i'm trying!!! bastard bit my chopper. let's not overlook he didn't eat me, maybe-- i'm a civilian! you don't have any authority-- then do it!! so profound and fat. you think i'm that nuts? nothing's real. nothing's real. i'm rich, people are automatically my friends, sycophants ooze out like oil slicks and and and-- with crocodiles. everything's even. i'm an empty man, kelly, wealth has robbed me of the dream in life, i sit here broken, a hollow sack-- didn't even sound good? eh. fuck it. yes. you may. but maybe. i don't know. could we have intercourse? they'll kill him. they're not going to be able to snag him in pitmans. tranq him in water, he drowns. they won't. he's taken human life, the mission will be to put him down. forget about him being god, he's thirty feet long, he is a miracle of nature, who somehow made his way to maine. this is a grand beast. a grand dragon. an attempt should at least be made to capture him alive. i have enough flaxedil with me to put him out. and i think i know a way to-- look. i know i'm crazy, but when they come, they will kill it. they have to, politically, he's too dangerous, if something were to go wrong. the odds are he will be destroyed,-- if he were neutralized when they got here. they might consider saving him. we lure him on land and pump him with the drugs. jack. we've all seen it. he's probably a hundred and fifty years old, he's bigger than an elephant. we both know what they'll do. he follows anything that moves. you guys can be in the trucks with tranq guns. if he charges, drive off, plus hank you've got your hand- held cannon. we could do this with no safety risk. if it works, we save a beast that should be saved. that's actually the easy part. not much drag. as long as i can keep him from swinging, we're okay. right. you ready on shore? hold on! i got something on the screen. he's coming. thirty meters or so. moving slow, but straight toward elsie. radar, he's underwater. but he's definitely coming. on our way. there, he's surfacing, there's the snout. you little sucker. he's following. here we come. thank you, jack. we're in about four feet of water now. oh, shit. motherfucker. where is he? no! i see blood. maybe you got him, hank. i can't see him, but this is definitely blood. maybe you got him. i don't know! no. look. he's got nothing left. i'm okay. guess i finally got bit. flax him under his tail. two hundred cc's. under the tail, that'll put him to sleep. he's gonna live? and hank. i know you weren't really trying to hit him. thanks for the rescue. you talk to bickerman? women's intuition. are there anymore?