and they pay you for this? to tag beaver? ask me, what an animal does in the wild is his own business so long as he doesn't do it to man. i think mark twain said that. hey! jesus christ. he just came up screaming. he just kinda gurgled. he was pretty much dead. the lake was dead calm until up he came. the tooth is in there. yes. that's where they keep them. you want me to bring the tooth out here? i wouldn't. have you ever seen a dead body before, ms. scott? this is a little different. seconds. three, four. yes. nobody lives within twenty-five miles, 'cept some old couple who live right on the lake. teenagers trek in every once in a while, none have disappeared, and none have spotted anything unusual. not yet. we? sorry. i'm just a little unclear as to why the museum of natural history would send somebody here. i got nothing against-- lightweight forward area air device unit. whatever's out there, one shot with this and he's dead. you're sort of a rude person. ready. a museum in new york sent us some additional back up. i'm ready when you are. we're just going to investigate an accident. there's no monster. there was an accident, that's all. nothing to worry about. my department doesn't have any record of that, mrs. bickerman. was he swallowed? and how would you have accomplished this, ma'am? half mile up, there's a clearing. i'll call the coroner. they wanted to call it lake placid. but somebody said that name was taken. the tents were sent ahead, they should already be set-up. i told you. two days, we'd have to camp. what the hell? i thought i saw. hey!! i just let go of it. with what? --who is he? wait just a second. you don't just fly in here and start barking orders. mr. cyr! i really don't mean to be discourteous. but how is it a person could come to believe that a crocodile is in new england? and what would he do come winter? around here. yeah. white perch. doesn't look like it. they don't believe her. we'd only just met. keystone what? hey. we are here on official business. no!! what's with digging the holes? everybody out, back to your tents, now! no!! out! you listen to me. the only reason i'm letting you be part of this is 'cause you got the helicopter and the radar-- i do not like you. you're a whacko. what the hell are you doing?!! you're crawling around like a-- a spring trap! i coulda shot you, you-- this is an official investigation, and this cuckoo bird is a civilian. i don't care how much money he's got, he's a total mental. apologize? is this 'spose to make me take him more serious? why does everybody insult my intelligence, i have intelligence, intelligent people eat twinkies. i'm an intelligent person. i shall kill him. again, i don't mean to be annoying with my questions. but if it is a crocodile which i don't think it is. and if they do charge these baby hatchling sounds. why exactly would you want to be underwater at the time? with you it makes sense. that "walt" guy got hit underwater-- again. not to be disruptive. do we have a problem with it dying? is this a trick? i brought a pork chop, maybe we could hang it around your neck for luck. was that like a homo-sexual remark? and that's why he thinks they're godly? you like jack? hector thinks you like him. you think jack's handsome? i'm just curious. i can never tell what women think is handsome. is he handsome? am i? hector, jack, we show you with about twelve minutes of oxygen left, and you're on the last tank. time to go home. i don't know. it was like a tug. something tugged us. hey! kelly!! jack!! hector! we're being dragged!! cut the line! cut the fucking line! cut the goddamn rope! are you alright? hector! hector, we got dragged off position, when you surface, you gotta yell. nobody actually saw it. it happened sudden. yup. his head was just. bitten off. you know, hector, i'm sure you're a fine person in your own mental way. but i think it would be best if you and i didn't speak. you don't want to cut me down. 'cause i'll kill you. yes. other than feeling slightly embarrassed, i'm perfectly fine. could you cut me down? i have no interest in ever looking at you, hector. could you please cut me down? thank you. i lied. okay. it's a crocodile. i'll admit it. asia? how. how could he get here? alright, ms. paleontologist. i wanna know why that monster is here. you got a theory? is everything a big fucking joke to you? i'm sick of him! he said he knew karate! if i fall into a hole or get hoisted into a tree. it came from across the lake. obviously i was wrong! he was in his mouth?! he didn't eat the kid cause he'd just swallowed a bear. i'm tired, hector. i know this because you're beginning to not bug me. raincheck. we shouldn't even really be doing this. so does he. look. i can't recognize him from the back. it looks like him. that's him. what the? now i'm gonna puke. what? oh, but you have, ma'am. you lied to us, that could be obstruction of justice. a man's been killed in part 'cause of your silence, i could make out a charge of reckless endangerment and i'm sure peta would be annoyed at how you treat your cows. ma'am. your husband, bernie. you didn't, by any chance, lead him to the lake blindfolded? ma'am, how could you not report this? he puts human life at risk and-- you're to wait right here until the police show, you're under full house arrest. what problem? i can arrest you!! you probably do want to be killed by it, that was you trying to meet your maker. gee, that would really disappoint me. other than to eat us? go ahead. let's get back to camp. she's worried about the cow now. they're coming right in. that it's about to go wrong. don't worry about me. i can't. i'll get hector!! i'll take it! i don't know. back the truck-- i just have this feeling everything's totally safe. where is he?! hector!! alright. game over. should i? he's done. he's dying. we trapped him with our chopper. i was aiming for you. i'll go. thanks for your help. i guess.