walt flippers himself closer, wants a closer look. the snake seems unimpressed. then suddenly, the snake lunges at him, misses. shit. walt's look says "what the fuck?" a beat. then the snake swims off. walt relaxes. a beat. but then. he looks around, uneasy. he gets this feeling he's not alone down there. looks about, nothing but murky water. but he's not alone, we can feel he's not alone. a beat. this head looks ripped off the body. the croc as he slowly starts to move. the teenagers start to take turns, swinging on a rope from a branch which overhangs the shoreline. as they laugh and yell, danny swings on a long rope. landing with a splash. about ten feet from the croc, waiting stealth-like, his eyes barely above surface. he could easily go for danny. but he somehow knows the service will get better. as danny swims back to shore, janine takes hold of the rope. they just stare, as kelly continues to scream. keough leans in for a closer look. kelly raises her binoculars. so does jack. kelly, jack, and keough, as they lower their scopes. they look at each other, then back at the foregoing. by now hector is almost to the chopper, the croc is right there too. hector's right hand then goes slowly for his belt though it's impossible to discern why. the crocodile seems poised to finish him. there's a slight growl. the chopper lowers the cow. he starts to kick his legs in anticipation. the croc, unable to dive, is now thrashing toward the beach. but there's no rage in his behavior now. he seems desperate. he's taken some bullets, he's tired, he's wedged inside a two ton piece of metal and he's exhausted.