tcha doin', riley? i have bad dreams. hell, yes. just look at me, you can tell that i have terrible dreams. every town is full of walkers. but they're dumb, riley. hell, dead folks is near as dumb as me! `flowers in the graveyard'. why do you call `em that, riley? i don't get it. these here flowers ain't the kind you lay down on the ground. these here are sky flowers. way up in heaven. always ready. just look at me ou can tell i'm always ready. i don't think that's all you see. bet you see this iron, too. what'd he do, hit the lottery or somethin'? nothin' in there but booze. booze ain't essential. good shootin'. ain't no such thing as nice shootin'. shit happens, riley. wanna get a drink, riley? just ook at me, you can tell i could use a drink. what happened, riley. didja get fucked? what are they betting on, riley? what fight? stenches don't fight. he won't. riley likes to be alone. he might take me. cuzz havin' me around is pretty much the same as bein' alone. can make myself useful. and i an shoot. hey. i like the iron i already got. good thing we're smarter. thank heaven. catches the light. right now it's moonlight. lets me see where i'm aimin'. that thing. ff-center. but i got him. gotta go get the keys, riley. not! that hurt! i didn't hurt you! riley'd never do that. just look at him, you can tell he'd never do that. everything's cool back there. riley is about to object, when dead reckoning comes rumbling around a corner a hundred yards down the street. riley checks his watch again. 11:52. too late to send me back. i am friendly. just look at me you can tell i'm friendly. geez. we just made it. riley clicks the transmitter on. nope. i blew its ass off. the rat is now half a rat. its ass has been blown off. yet just didn't hit it in the head. they all are. skreeeeeeee! zombie rats crawl up onto the roadbed. dozens. riley takes off away from them. slack and charlie hurry closer, firing, trying to pick the critters off. the rats reach riley! nip at his heels. he leaps. swings onto a girder. climbs to the control booth. the rats don't follow. slack heaves a sigh of relief just before. . skreeeeeeee! a second pack of rats scurries toward her! she vaults over a railing, dropping several feet to. . the riverbank below. but there are rats here too! charlie fires at them from above. blam! blam! blam! fur and blood slack! i don't norm'lly need two shots, riley. canada. that's where we're goin', ain't it, riley?