i'm sorry, mister demora, but there's a very long waiting list. this is an extremely desirable location. space is limited. well, i do have a board of directors, a membership committee that has to approve. take my advice. withdraw your funds from the bank and spend them somewhere else. maybe we should talk about this when you're less excited. softly) i won't be needing this man any more. thank you, knipp. i'll take it. yes? ah. the one that got away. what do you want, mister demora? that's unfortunate. in a world where the dead are returning to life, the word `trouble' loses much of its meaning. he wants money. we don't negotiate with terrorists. there are other options. mister denbo. come in. can i offer you a drink? well, then. please sit down. which has guns. big guns. that could do a great deal of damage if he were to aim them at this city. i don't want to lose them. i could send five hundred men against that thing and they'd all come back in body bags. it's your vehicle. cholo was your man. you might be able to get close enough to. do what has to be done. do this for me and i'll grant you something in return. residence in the green. but. there's nothing up north. alright. you've named your price. an easy one to pay. take them. an you find dead reckoning? quickly? by midnight. your friends are going out with you. i want some of my friends to go along, as well. anolete. teahouse. illsbury. thank you. keep us informed. alternate sites have been chosen. air transport has been arranged. for us and our families. as well as necessary support personnel. cliff, let me talk to you for a moment. you interrupted me. i was just talking about how people can be replaced. you don't want to be replaced, do you? no, and i don't want to replace you. you have promise. a day may come when you earn yourself some responsibilities. right now, the responsibilities are mine. all the responsibilities. it was my no buts. take him out with the rest of the garbage. i won't be needing this man anymore. no. pack us up. we might have to be leaving. we'll only need one of them. no. no. they can't leave. not without me! they can't get in. downstairs. the car. the dead things pound at the doors. one guard runs away. the other three follow. et back here! get back here! pull out! pull out! n-no, y-you're dead. oh my god. you're dead!