oh, mister demora. mister kaufman ain't home and there's some shit goin' down. no lie. i heard. a scream rings out down the corridor! i heard that! oh, man. mister k. sure gonna be upset about this. cholo drops his boxes and moves down the corridor. i called security. they should be here. cholo reaches the door to penthouse number two. it's locked. another scream from inside. he flings himself at the door. the latch splinters out of the frame. the door bursts open. phone call, sir. any word from mister denbo, sir? in the helicopters? mister kaufman, sir. i dunno what's happening, sir, but it sounds bad. i think they just did, sir. don't shoot! boss? don't you shoot, neither. we're all on the same you didn't gimme no gun, sir. ord!