they used to be us. they're learning how to be us again. riley denbo watches the town through binoculars. 32, made rugged by realities, he has a heart beneath his tough exterior. mike converse, 21, young and unseasoned, has the eagerness and passion of someone young and unseasoned. isn't that what we're doing, son? pretending to be alive? glancing at mike's guns) you any good with those? great. i'm out here with a guy who can't shoot. let's go. havin' a bad dream. the town is full of walkers. these aren't just walking. they're like. regular folks. you learned how to make yourself useful. that's what they're doing. put some flowers in the graveyard. pretty boy reaches out and flips a toggle switch on the control panel. thoomb! thoomb! deep concussive sounds can be felt as much as heard as. looks like nobody's hit it before. ain't about fun, cholo. somethin'. somethin'. yup. stenches can't take their eyes off `em. where you goin'? how's the food? number two, what's your location? antibiotics. we need antibiotics. number three? what the fuck? i'm not risking anybody's ass just so you can pick up some side money. close one. harry? harry spins! growls! lunges at riley like a beast! riley has no time to reach for his gun. the harry-thing is strangling him. smashing the neck of a beer bottle on the snout of dead reckoning, riley jams the jagged glass into only if you let it. cholo. foxy moves away, leaving riley and cholo alone. two people dead. that kid, mike. he should be here with us right now. the fuck are you turning into, man? we take the risk to bring in things people need. not to make a few extra bucks selling liquor. you used to know that. nope. when i said quittin' time, i meant quittin' later. gotta see a man about a car. you can't fix a place like this, mulligan. you just have to get out everyone's stoppable. we hear the sound of a boy coughing. mulligan's son brian stands behind him, looking feverish. antibiotics. for your boy. mulligan looks down with gratitude at a bottle his hand. when he looks up again, riley is gone. where's the car? my new car. i paid for it. i was here yesterday. there were two guys getting it ready for me. sonofabitch! come on. roach. where's chihuahua? i went over to the garage. your guys aren't there. the car's not there. my dinero's not there. just get me the car, or they'll carry you out of here inside that fucking hat. red or black. who's gonna win the fight. what's on the menu today? cat or dog? give us our guns. in a little while. in the ring, black reaches for slack again. with one lightning-fast move, she kicks it in the chest, sending it flying into red's arms. red shoves black aside. seen you around. somebody shot the little fat man. why you? in that arena. why did the little fat man throw you in with those things? same question. why you? places with people. i'm gonna find me a place where there ain't no people. north. canada. i don't need to hear your story. everybody's got a story, and i'm tired of hearin' them all! mulligan. i don't drink. nobody else is sitting. i think i'll just stand here, like the rest of you. while you tell me why i'm standing here. why don't you just send out your troops? not me. that's what cholo wanted, and you didn't give it to him, did you? that's why he's out there waving a cannon at your ass. kaufman won't admit that riley's right, but he looks at him with a glimmer of respect. give me one of those vehicles, over that's the idea. how quickly? i have a way. you guys don't have to come out with me if you don't want to. cholo didn't do all this. stenches have been at this place. that fencing was pushed in from outside. there's a thousand of them out there for every one of us. they're getting smart. i saw it in the city is us. they're after us. we pissed `em off one too many times. gotta love the guy. he still believes in heaven. anyone got a radio? teahouse pulls a motorola from his belt. just as he tosses it to riley, they hear. growling! riley denbo. calling the green. ain't no keys to get. melted. hurry up. i had a brother. real brother, by birth. bit. hung on for six days. before he turned. i was the one had to shoot him. that happened to my brother. turn left up here. slack, driving the t-bird now, makes the turn. the car blows through a deserted town, moving fast. riley notices that slack is effected by the desolation she sees. you said you were going to make yourself useful. right now what i could use is for you to pull over. i made a deal with your boss. find cholo. i'm gonna do it. keep him from blowing up the green. i'm gonna do it, i don't want people to get hurt. bring back dead reckoning. sorry. that's where i stop. i didn't ask him for much, just guns, ammo, and a car. i've got the guns. i've got the ammo. and if i find dead reckoning i'm gonna have the best fucking car that's ever been built, and i'm taking it to canada. if any of you don't like that idea. take another right. i built a homing device into dead reckoning. if cholo's anywhere within fifty miles, we can track him. shit. he's going to ross park. powder magazine. where they keep the big boomers. rockets. for dead reckoning's cannons. cholo's moving out. looks like he's heading right for us. hit. off this hillside. they can shell the green. pull in! there! hey'll be coming up this road. y'all stay here. dead reckoning's got steel skin an inch thick. you can't shoot your way in. i'm hopin' i can talk my way in. keep an eye on the hatches. if i get in, i'll try to leave one open. riley takes off. charlie looks torn. he wants to go with riley, but he has to keep pillsbury and manolete covered. put on your sunday smile. try to look friendly. truck's got a little transmitter in her belly. sorry i never told you. you went and took off without inviting us along. we want in on anything you got goin'. yes. kaufman sent some guys with us. we took care of `em. i know you don't do it, cholo. hit the tower square, you'll kill a lot of innocent people. miss and hit the city, you'll kill a lot of our friends. your beef's with kaufman, not them. the turret on the roof groans as the cannons rotate. there won't be any fancy shit left. and money burns. not a chance. riley tosses the "game boy" out the open hatch. cholo reaches out after it. easy boys. riley looks at the clock on the control panel. 12:01. charlie follows his gaze. riley denbo calling the green. i'm glad you feel that way. because i'm taking your fucking truck. same here. the stenches. they got across the river. they got across the fucking river. get him inside. pillsbury steps in and lifts cholo easily to his feet. back to the city. you guys'd be safer coming with us. t-bird's down that driveway over there. guns and ammo inside. i don't get lost so easy. we gotta get across the water. don't want to. if the stenches got we've gotta come in above the throat. his finger continues down the monitor to "the throat" at the base of the triangle, where the long fence runs between the two rivers. what was built to keep folks safe is gonna trap them inside. we've gotta give them a way out. gotta get it down. get back in there. what are you doing? blam! she shoots a walker that has come out of the night. yeah, but they're capped! the barrels of the two fourteen-inchers are still capped. dead reckoning keeps rolling. riley climbs out onto one of the cannon barrels. shoot! it's all yours, mulligan. stop. riley picks up a pair of binoculars and looks through the windshield at big daddy. all they want is somewhere to go. same as us. if no one has any objections.