something stinks in here. my god, it's this statement! he flings the paper onto his desk. mccaskey sarge? it's shit. hallenbeck is hiding something. i know how the bastard's mind works. every lie has eighty percent truth to it. guy scares me. mccaskey is staring out the window at hallenbeck. mccaskey we lookin' at the same guy? go ahead. tell me what you see. mccaskey i see a guy, looks like he just slept in his suit. yep. that's what most people see. mccaskey there's more? oh, yeah. there's more. a long time ago, that son of a bitch saved the president's life. goddammit, this is a police matter, you son of a bitch! i'm sick and fucking tired of sweeping up your dead bodies, joe, and the next time i see your ugly mug i'm puttin' a bullet in it. you got that? you are off the case, buddy. is that clear? hallenbeck stares at him. blows smoke. says nothing. cut to: gimmee the bad news first. mccaskey bad news is, they just pulled jimmy dix out of a construction site on ventura. he's busted up. okay, now gimme the bad news. mccaskey i just got a call from hallenbeck's neighbor. bessalo looks up, intrigued. mccaskey continues: mccaskey now, according to hallenbeck, mike miller came to the house early that morning to talk about a case, right? right. he lied. why did he lie? realization hits him like a thunderbolt. shit. miller was fucking his wife. mccaskey what? that's why the car was there, miller was fucking hallenbeck's wife, hallenbeck just got back from out of town, remember? christ, joe wasted the bastard himself! he stabs a button on the phone. barks into the receiver: i want an a.p.b. out on joe hallenbeck. now. find him and if he resists arrest, shoot the bastard. i let him go, mick. he wasted mike miller and waltzed right out of my office, i let him go, goddammit! mccaskey relax, ben. we'll bring him in. he's not that good. you wanna bet? and, with that, we promptly -- cut to: let me get this straight: you're walking along, minding your own business, when two guys you never met jump you and throw you in a ditch for no particular reason. is that it? you're full of shit, kid. tell me where hallenbeck is. we did. where is he? you got a lot of questions to answer. you'll probably lose your license. do you care? hallenbeck smiles.