good evening, gentlemen. bit late for a stroll, don't you think? that's amusing. how delightful to find such amusing men so late at night. i don't believe i've had the pleasure. jake, apprise rodney dangerfield here of his situation. perhaps we can dispense with the fun and games now, yes? jimmy rushes forward, snarling. the beretta swivels. jimmy stops, the gun aimed at his gut. the evidence. very smart. see, jake, he knows when a situation is untenable. you like that word? it occurs to me that you may have the evidence in question. leave him alone? whatever you say. jake? the short man steps away from hallenbeck. turns and launches a kick at jimmy's groin. connects. the kid drops to the ground, retching. ah, my young friend. i neglected to tell you that jake attacks his job with a certain. exuberance. he's still in a good mood, jake. kick him again. jake steps forward. sure. we'll let you go. where is it? hallenbeck meets the tall man's gaze. speaks softly. walk over and hand him the keys. slow and easy. jimmy takes out the car keys. crosses to hallenbeck. gives him the keys. open it. slow. you dumb bastard, you're going to pay for that. jake, open the trunk.