put my score up first.
i know, but i want to hear it. put it up.
johnnie, you were the one that was late. just put it up.
marvin? hey, marvin?
yeah, i'm heading there now. what's going on?
johnnie said something about you wanting him to present on monday.
no, i'm coming back. those are my connections. they have been for years.
i want to come back. i should be there in person.
i have to stand behind my music!
you got me doing triangle chimes for christ's sake - give me something to compose!
i'm back on monday, marvin. i'm coming back.
what are you saying? say it!
miss? i'm sorry. i've spilt my drink.
why's it always me?
thanks.  and could i get another?
yes. `jamesons', no ice.
a holiday?
my daughter's getting married.
thank you. she's marrying an american. but for some reason we've all got to go over to london. i told her we had a perfectly good wedding system here.
they both work there, you see.
thank you.
no.  of course. i'm sorry.
i'm sorry, but i'm in a bit of a hurry.
look, i'm sorry, but i'm tired, you know?
i'm sorry.
hi suzie, it's your dad. i've made it in one piece. i'm in a taxi on my way to the hotel. i guess i'll see you all there. can't wait. love you.
hi, it's harvey, harvey shine here. just wanted to confirm mike for monday. i'm in london at the moment, but reachable on my cell. which is.  well you've probably got it on file, but just in case, 917.  well you may have to dial an international code first, i'm not sure. anyway, it's 917 749 7558. that's 917 74.
hi. i'm with the wedding party. there should be a room for me. harvey shine.
good. has everyone else checked in?
my daughter. susan shine. or maybe she's already going by wright. susan wright.
do you have a mrs pearce?
i'll go up.
hello? suzie! hi darling. yes, i'm here. where are you - where is everyone? oh. i see. no, i didn't realise. i thought the plan was for everyone to stay together.
no its. fine. i just wasn't sure.
so your mother has rented a house for you all. i see. no, no, don't be silly. i'm a big boy. it's fine.
home from home. yes, i've got the address. so, i'll see you there. i love you too. bye.
just over by the bed. thank you. hello?
are you ok?
are you sure? here.
good thanks. great. how are you holding up?
no.  is she?
yes. no, no, that's not right. i booked mike. it's important. i spoke to him about it two weeks ago. i booked him. have you told him its harvey. it's really important.  just. just get him to call me, ok?
sorry. always something.
oh, i'm a.  i work in the music industry.
i'm a composer. sort of.
oh, you know, for. commercials, that sort of thing. tv. mostly background stuff, that sort of thing.
it can be. you guys work with scott?
oil, right?
well, i'm sure that's pretty profitable too.
well, i'd better find my daughter.
suz.  you look beautiful.
give us a hug then, as they say in this country.
i know, i look ridiculous.
like a bad lounge act.
i spilt something on my trousers. i've been doing that a lot recently.
long way to come to see two american kids get married.
no. they're here?
what? i'll be good.
i'll speak to you later suz. you enjoy your friends.
so our baby girl is really getting married. who would've thought?
of course i do. hell, its been a while. i guess, not since jean and i split up.
thank you, jill. you're looking well too. both of you. i guess you guys stayed in touch with jean.
no kidding? insurance?
real estate. that's great. that's really great.
sure. good idea.
sorry, i have to take this. can you hold a minute?
sorry. sorry.
it'll take two hours max. no longer. have you told him its harvey? look, we go back! he'll tell you. just have him call me.
did you move me darling?
ok, sweetheart.
my turn?
sorry, i thought it was off. um, uh. to susan and scott. a great couple. cheers.
hello jean.
why, jean? are you worried i'm going to embarrass you again?
oh, you're good jean. you're really good. you've always known how to make me feel shit, haven't you? you've always been so good at that.
tell me, jean. were you ever proud of me?
the parties jean. the fuckin' parties, where i would hear you - dressing up what i did for a living - film composer this, film composer that - trying to make it more palatable for your friends. i'm a.
what is it you see in brian?
hey suz.
yeah. i'm great. how are you doing? enjoying yourself?
he seems a good guy, scott. you'll be alright.
no sweetheart, it's your weekend. it's no problem. you just enjoy yourself.
great. well, not great, but. fine. you know the usual. triangle chimes.
a bit.  not so much.
listen suz, i'm really sorry about having to leave early. it's just bad timing. there's a sudden rush at work, you know, a couple of big jobs in at once.
it just can't be helped. but i'll be there at the ceremony, at the really important bit. i'll be there to give you away. and then i'm sure brian or your mother will talk at the reception. you know me, i've never been very good at speech.
yeah, suz?
but suz.
that's not true.
it's work darling. it pays for things. sorry. look, i.
sure. i understand, suz.
you go and be with your friends. go and enjoy yourself. i gotta make some stupid calls. you know. go and enjoy yourself, sweetheart. i'll see you tomorrow.
you fuckin' asshole!
is there another way we could try?
i'm sorry but, i'm on the 4.30 to
just hand luggage, can i go straight to the gate?
please. i've gotta make that flight.
miss, i'm on the 4.30 to jfk. can you check me in?
but it's not yet 4! i just have hand luggage. it doesn't take off for another 40 minutes.
but i just have hand luggage. please. i've got to get on that flight.
when's the next flight?
marvin. it's harvey. listen, there's been a mess up, the traffic was crazy. i'm going to have to reschedule the pitch slightly. frank can set up. i'll email him the cue numbers - he knows what to do. and then i'll be there lunch- time at the latest. i'll come straight from the airport. i'll try you again shortly.
the traffic was insane. but listen.
it's fine, i'll be there lunch- time. it's no problem. steve knows what i need. mike's coming in. it's all set u.
letting me go? can't afford the space? marvin, i'll be there lunch- time.
jamesons, no ice.
another. please.
another, please.
sorry. vulgar american.
i know, we don't raise our voices in this country. it's not done.
i'm sorry.
for yesterday. i was rude. you tried to ask me some questions.
you were just trying to do your job and i was rude.
good book?
i get it.
believe me, it will.
i reckon it'll help as much as that trashy novel and a glass of chardonnay.
i'm really sorry. that was out of line.
it's just that i've had a really shitty day.
no. i mean really shitty. yours may have been shitty, but mine was shittier.
i missed my flight. i lost my job. and my daughter who got married in london today asked her step father rather than me to give her away.
let me make it up to you. would you let me buy you lunch. what time is it - tea time? i'll buy you tea.
exactly. that's why we should have lunch - tea.
because you've got your book. and it's a good replacement for humans.
if that's for me i'm in the shower.
aren't you going to answer that?
should i take that as a hopeful sign.
look we are having lunch together.
ah. i'm harvey. harvey shine.
ah, that's better. i knew something was missing. i had to get back for a work thing.
yes. no. not really. they've beaten it out of me. but its what i do - did.
i'm a composer. i write jingles.
that's about the normal response.
yes. uh. uh.  well, maybe, i mean it maybe before your time.
you can take the salem out of the country - but you can't take the country out of salem.
it's a cigarette.
forget it.
no, i just love the way you. you just cut through it.
you should. i was going to be a jazz pianist.
no. not enough.
no. i like it. i like it.  . alot.
it's a relief to find someone in this country who actually says what they feel.
just as we're trying to adopt your stiff upper lip.
what is a stiff upper lip, exactly?
i see. how's that?
let me see again.
like this?
the front ones.
yes. so did i.
a class?
i don't know. i guess i'll stay in a hotel near here. my flight's in the morning.
yes. yes it has.
there's your phone again.
i'd like a room please. one night.
sorry. hi. i thought i might as well stay in town. more fun than a hotel next to a runway, right?
yes. so, i couldn't walk you to your class, could i? carry your books? stand near the curb so you don't get splashed.
is that a yes?
yours is a beautiful city, kate.
i'm afraid i'm not much of a reader. too fidgety, i guess.
you think less of me.
is that bad?
both our phones ring a lot. we have that in common.
she worries about you?
i see.
i see.
no. i like it.
how long is the class?
can i wait? sorry - i promise i'm not `bundyish'.
yes i do.
what can you do?
how did it go?
what would yours be?
and what would you do there?
ok. so this house in spain would have a little cabana looking out over the plains for you to write in.
and a little stream running by, to bathe in.
i'm there. sorry, that's if you're receiving guests.
why, thank you kate walker.
i don't know. somewhere along the way i lost her. i lost my family. i just woke up one morning and realised i didn't belong.
i'd always had this mean little feeling in my stomach, that they were a bit embarrassed by me. if you saw them now, with brian, susan's step-father. you'd see, they make more sense. they look right together.
i've not been a great father.
i guess.
the grovesnor. why?
she doesn't need me.
wait. i'm thinking. only if you come with me.
please, come with me. as my. bodyguard. as my friend.
we'll find you a dress. if we find you a dress, will you come?
i didn't go.
this is kate. a.  friend.
you get back. don't worry about us, we'll find a place.
that's fine.
yes. i guess.
oh. you're not miriam's kid are you?
wow. you've. got big. i mean grown up.
um.  excuse me.
sorry brian.  sorry to interrupt.
but you see i can't just sit hear and watch somebody else give my baby girl away. susan's my daughter and i'm her father. not the best, by far, but her father all the same.
um.  i should have prepared something but.  i guess it reminds me of a joke.
sorry. um.
no jean. i want to make a scene. you know. i'm tired of being embarrassed. if we can't make a scene on the day of our daughter's wedding, then when can we? i want to make a scene. i want to shout! i wanna tell the world how lucky it is to have our suzie in it!
i wanna tell scott, how damn lucky he is!
and also if he ever hurts her, i know people in north of london.
seriously though. scott, i swear you have found in susan a bright and passionate person. and a loyal friend.
and i can see from the way she looks at you. from the way she is with you, that she is.
happy. and i thank you and welcome you to the family.
and finally, if i can linger a moment longer. i would like to turn it back over to brian, with a note of.  gratitude. thank you for being there for my baby girl. thank you for being there, when i wasn't.
thanks for having me back.
you are very kind. but. no. shearing doing rogers.
well, thank you ms. walker.
me thinks you were leaving?
but, you know, maybe i want to be with you. you make me happy - when skies are grey.
thank you.
for making me come here.
can i?
can i?
hey kid, they're playing our song.
come on. i want you to meet people. i want them to meet you.
bye suz.  bye susan.
yes. yes, i am.
you wanna get out of here?
you got sad. why?
no. i'm glad.
meet me here, tomorrow.
exactly here, at these chairs. at noon.
i don't want to leave. guess why.
i wanna be with you.
it's true.
today is tomorrow.
so can i.
so can i.
i know enough to know, i'll be here. waiting, at this chair.
noon. i mean it. i'll be here.
can i have something until tomorrow.
i guess i'll walk, then.
i've got to go. i've got to be somewhere.
yes, s.v.t's, that's what i've been trying to tell the nurse. i've had it since i was a kid. i take primax. i guess i've been forgetting to take it recently. i've been under alot of stress, that's all.
i know it's arrhythmia! please, i have to be there.
it's some sort of statistics agency. yes. that sounds right. yes, based out at heathrow. thank you. hold on. miss, could i borrow, your pen.
thanks, thanks alot.
please. it's important.
oh, i'm still in london, marvin.
well, that's great marvin.
i. i'm not coming back.
i'm quitting marvin.
no, you know, i don't. as you said, it's my `last chance'. look, i gotta go.
heathrow please. as quick as you can.
excuse me, i'm looking for a kate. kate walker.
a friend. more than a friend.
i wouldn't. i won't.
yes, i know.
thank you.
yeah. kate, i just wanted to apologise and explain.
no, but i do -
but i want to.  i had to go to hospital.
no, it's nothing, i'm fine, i just forgot to take my pills. i have this condition, i've had it since i was a kid - it's an irregular heart- beat sort of thing.
yes! how do you know what it is?
well, young men get it too.
kate, i'm so sorry i wasn't there.
white plains.
it is. it can be.
kate, i want this. i want you.
should i take that as a hopeful sign?
if you just give me a little wider smile.
i have absolutely no idea.  but it will. i promise you that.
i think you're my kinda girl.
why don't you ask me those questions?
you know, from the airport. when i wouldn't stop.
harvey shine.
i'm in transition.