careful paddy. blushing! is she up? mum. it's me - your daughter. i can't, i'm running late. who? at what? so maybe polish people like to barbecue a lot. i'm leaving your prescription on the table. you know, you don't have to keep taking these - the doctor said. i've got to go. i'll call you later. i don't know, maybe. bye mum. was that from his terrace in the south of france? i'm sorry. that was mean. look, i'll call you later. i love you. aggie. scum. no. only if you guys swear you won't leave if it's not going well. promise? memento. so you spent the whole 2 weeks in the toronto area? ah. so not a business trip then? some might. sorry, i couldn't just ask you a few very quick questions, could i? it won't take a moment. yes. i do. mum? dungarees. they're completely in again, haven't you heard? ok, mum. thanks for the advice. ok, let's talk about it later. i love you too. sorry i'm late. she's worrying about her new neighbour. says he barbecues a lot. i know. hi matt. hi. you work with matt? right. he seems nice. nice like how old is he? he can't be, he's looks like a baby. oh right. did matt offer that up - or was that in response to you two discussing my approaching barrenness. i have to. she's on her own. she gets lonely. mum? yes. half-day. yes. sorry. yes, me too. yes. yes. sorry, i'm saying `yes' a lot. ye. sure. i can get them. i'll have another white wine. anything dry. mum. you've got to stop calling. what? i can't hear. hold on. hi. hi. we don't really. we just met. no. don't. stay. it's fine. sorry. mum? for what? i don't really remember, but i'm sure you were. most people are. it probably would be, if i could finish it. that'll help. i said, that'll help. right. o-kay. what? go away and stop apologizing. join the club. how shitty? not bad. but what can i do for you? make it worse, maybe? that's very sweet of you, but. i don't know you. and. you don't know me. thank you, but. no. no. if it is, you could just give me a little wider smile. no. we're having lunch next to each other. kate. kate walker. so why aren't you at the wedding? a work thing. for the job you just lost? i see. so, this job you lost. you liked it? which is - was? wow. anything i would of heard? no, go on. no. oh really? ok. did you always want to write jingles or was there something more? what? i'll take that as a compliment. were you good? i'm sorry, i can be nosey. i tend to blurt stuff out. oh, haven't you heard? that's all changed. we're a nation changed. ever since diana, we've unlocked ourselves. everything's flowing out. you guys showed us the way. no, i think, it's more this. yeah you're getting there. stretch it out further. no, now you're doing a bulldog. no, now you look like you don't have any teeth. are they your own? your teeth? my dad had a front one that you could just take out. thank you. i. enjoyed myself. i should get going. i have a class. yes. a. writing class. twice a week. just something i do. i take the heathrow express. what about you? well. it's been a pleasure. harvey shine. yes. sorry. i'd better go. taxi's are over there. they'll take you to wherever you need to go. so, i guess it's goodbye again. sure. yes. why not? its just a funny way of saying it. quite old fashioned. but i like it. yours is glorious country, honeychurch. it's a line from a book. `room with a view'. no, we're just quite different, that's all. no. ah. sorry. i should probably take this. mum? i've been busy. no, i'm out. yes with someone. no someone else. yes. . a man. you did, did you? an actual body. mum. listen. i'll come over tomorrow and we can check it out together. i have to go now. just get an early night and i'll see you tomorrow. i love you too. sorry. my mother. and herself. she's convinced she's living next to poland's answer to ted bundy. she means well. she's just had a tough run. my father ran off to france with his secretary. then mum got cancer, about four years ago now. she's fully recovered. but won't admit it. she's basically bored. and my continued `situation' as she calls it, being single, is her major distraction. her pastime if you will. yes, my rotting eggs are her raison d'tre. sorry. i talk too much. do you? hmm. well, here we are. my class. an hour. it's getting cold. you don't want to wait. careful, i might get the wrong impression. oh, the usual. lovely mild-mannered mike read us the latest installment from his physcho-sexual thriller, and we all tried to look at him in the same way after. shall we keep walking? do you ever wish you could try a different life? just for a day. just to see what it would be like. well, no green, that's for sure. it would take place in spain. a little house inland. oh. i don't know. write the great novel. i think i've got one inside me. we're not talking high art. just a bloody good holiday read. yes. sure. sure, you can visit harvey shine. what happened harvey? between you and your daughter? the reception. it's still going on? where? you must go. what the hell are you doing here? you must go! stop feeling so sorry for yourself. she's your daughter, you're her father. go! harvey, it would be unforgivable not to go. harvey? what? harvey, firstly, i'm not about to go to anyone's wedding in a green polyester work suit. secondly it's not right. no. no. no. come on. hi. congratulations. you look fantastic. i'm really sorry to gate-crash. your father sort of insisted. yes. hi. hello. now you're not to dominate the conversation tonight. chatterbox to my left. well done. wow. one of yours? ah. well. you play it very well. you're most welcome, mr shine. indeed i was, sire. because you looked happy. you should be with your family, harvey. careful, harvey. i'm blushing. for what? you're welcome. what? yes. you ok? sure. i don't think i've stayed up all night since i was a student. oh, i don't know. my uniform's green? i was pregnant once. i didn't have it. didn't give it a moment's thought. that's what smart girls did. i do sometimes wonder what they'd be like today. whether they'd be smart. funny. serious. i don't know, it's silly. i don't know why i just told you that. what? what about your flight, harvey? why? shut up, harvey. you say that now, but wait until tomorrow. harvey we know nothing about each other. you're. a bit older, yes. i can be mean. really mean. no. truly cantankerous. i should be going. sure, harvey. ok. harvey shine. i must go. ok mum, that's me, i'm done. i can't, i've got to go. not to pry or anything but why is there a large smoked ham under the stairs? the polish neighbour? so probably not a mass murderer. of course i will. i'll be fine. yeah. morning paddy. thank you. hey. you're still here - still in london. no, you don't have to - explain - it's fine - i don't need to hear - it's fine, seriously. oh, god! why?! arrythmia. my. my father has it. harvey, i like you, i really do. and i had a lovely time - it was great. but, you know, i don't really do fountains at noon. i live in willesden. and you live - in - exactly. and we're not teenagers, so - you know, monday morning and life kicks in, all that jobs and family and brown envelopes with bills in - it was a lovely day and i won't forget it, but it's not exactly real life. no, harvey, it's not. but it's not just about you, is it? you don't know anything about me. look at me. it's pathetic. i expected you not to show for god's sake. i think i even wanted you not to be there, it's easier that way. you - you just dive in wherever, deep end, whoosh. but, i'm not your bloody swimming pool harvey. and i am not going to do it, i'm not going to do it because it will hurt. not right now, maybe, but soon - there will be a "it's not quite working is it" or a "i need some space" or whatever it is and it'll end and it'll hurt and i won't do it, i won't and. i. oh fuck, i don't want to cry. i don't want this. i think it's actually easier for me to be disappointed. i think i'm actually angry at you for trying to take that away. mum, i love you, but not now. oh, shut up, harvey. so how's this going to work, mr shine? shall we walk? that's better. which ones? oh, the questionnaire. ok. name? place of residence?