hello, my daughter. have a cup of tea with me. he's at it again. the neighbour. barbecuing or something. i heard he's from poland. i like to. it makes me feel better. its 8 o'clock in the morning. who barbecues at 8? of course. don't worry about me. i'll be ok. have you got that date thing tonight? `time and tide', kate, as your father liked to say. what are you wearing? oh, you're not! oh, you're just being silly. now don't be nervous. just be yourself. oh, listen. i've been thinking about greece for our holiday. why don't you stay and have some lunch? oh, that, yes. it's, um. the neighbour gave it to me. probably not. are you sure you're going to be alright? men, who needs them. remember we've got greece to look forward to.