hello, cary! yup. we crashed. hey! where you going? see you in paris! yup. it's a full set -- upper and lower. biff somebody?! which way did he go?! come on, men! we're liable to see a fight. well. that's all fixed. well, we missed it. well, they carried a guy out. say! what's become of the teeth? fine! martini! nikki?! boys, she's gonna be a lot of trouble. what could we do? sell washing machines? drive a milk wagon? mend old furniture or somethin'? heh! aw, we couldn't fly a kite. say! is that still going on? say, what's she crying about? didn't they wash your strawberries this morning? well, there ain't a whole hell of a lot that we can do about that now. hey! where're you goin'?! out where?! don't you suppose you could arrange that here?! okay. come on, francis. we got to go somewheres else to get a drink. hey! there he is! come on! say, what are you tryin' to do, disown us? sure we'll sit down. what'd ya think we'd do? stand around? thank you. martini! boys, she's goin' to be a problem. do you think she's good-lookin' enough? then there's her drinking. you're a sissy drinker. then there's her teeth. why, one of 'em is turned sideways. that's it. now, about your nose. it isn't straight. it kind of turns up at the end. we all make mistakes. he went off to shave a horse. he's goin' off to tame an alligator. i think he's a washout. say! what do you want me to do? tackle a horse? all right, all right, i'll tackle a horse. look out, horse! nice horsie. ahhh. wasn't that a great spill? hey. what kind of a girl do you think nikki is? what place you wanna go? somebody pay for the drinks! we're off in a "billizzard" of horse-radish! now, listen, men. i'll tell ya something funny. i was only four years old once. and my aunt had a very low-neck dress on. and she sat right across the table in front of me. and i said, "auntie -- i can see your knees!" maybe i'd better do my match trick. i'll take her home, too. nothin' doing! we'll all take her home. it makes no difference. she belongs to us all now! sh! let him sleep. what's your number? here we are. goin' up! i'll take her off. where's the throttle? here it is. contact? we're off! gone an' passed your floor? i'll fix that. say! how do you stop this thing? get a good hold, millie. we're off again. all right, all right. you deserve a medal. all right, come on, men. come on, come on. well, for--! well, i'll be a--! look! nikki's got a whole apartment! hey! look at all the bottles! hey! come on in and look at nikki's bottles! ylang! ylang! chichi! salammbo! chypre! reve de vestale! jinko! chiki chiki! look! she never winds her clock! it says eleven and i've never been anywheres at eleven. two o'clock. it's always two o'clock in my life. hey, listen. besides never having any matches and always spilling her drinks, she never winds her clock! think i'll go in the bathroom and see if she leaves the cap off her tooth paste. is it all right? turtles! go to bed? yup, all right. good night, turtles. poor nikki. do you wanna go to sleep? well, good night. ah! say! i like this place. will somebody scrub your back?! look out, boys! i got it, i got it, i got it. mmmmmm mm! did anyone ever see such a back in their life? did anyone ever hear of such a thing? my, my! i could go on doin' this a long time. good night. come on, fellas! that's right! she might need some more help! um, prairie oyster. that's right. say! why don't we move in here? but - what about cary? we can move him in, too. well, come on, men. let's go. hi, nik! we camped on your doorsteps last night. and this morning we all moved in. well, for heaven's sakes! look at nikki! what are you having done to yourself, gal? why, look at nikki's legs, would you? that there is practically the loveliest pair of legs i ever saw in all my born days. here's to nikki's dainty legs. as smooth and hairless as an egg. have a drink? we were talkin' about nikki's legs. oh, take her away! she's breakin' my heart! ah! there you go. sure we got rights! what kind passports you like? we have ebony, cocoanut, thornberry passports. you bet. there they are-- are you sure you have everything? here you are, francis! you're the custodian of the turtles! now don't fall down on the job. uh, come on, francis! take those turtles! there she is, boys! the sud express! sure he'll be here. he's never missed a train in his life. aw, sure they'll be all right. all you got to do is - - sprinkle 'em! we just came down to see you off is all. come on! show us your seat by the window! my, my, what a swell train. sure! i don't see why not. push the button. get off?! gosh, no. we like this train! let 'er go gallagher. who cares?! hi, men! look what i found. drinking conditions, mostly. the drinking conditions are pretty bad right here. my beer's full of cinders. can we help you undress? scrub your back or something? you ain't never seen no assyrian queen! you're just a-makin' that up outta yore own head! put him out? i'll snap his spine and throw him off the train! let me have him. mm! now, ain't that nice? have you ever seen anything so cute? come to papa. praca de touros! i wonder if there's a bar inside or anything. oh, boy! lookit that bar, would ya? isn't that a beautiful thing? beer. well, men, fire and fall back! hey! what's the idea? well, i hope i don't catch a cold in my left ear. well! my old pal! look! here he comes! what's so good about it? is that so dangerous? bet i could run that bull bow-legged. you know, i should have been a bull-fighter. i bet i could start right now. you think we haven't got the nerve or something? he thinks we're a-scared! nice work, tony! nice work, joe! cary? i slipped. wasn't i, though? heh. it's a cinch. bull-fighting? just as easy-- hey, doc?! be careful. what are you doing? you know why i slipped, cary? on account of that beer in my shoe. hey, doc! cary, that bull certainly was hostile. sure. i'm all right. i was a big success. i'm sure glad that i - i wore my new blue shorts. i'll be a big success in the hospital. so long. see ya later - cary.