hi, cary! yeah. sure, here's some space. martini! nikki?! maybe a small kite. martini! there's a sign on the wall says ladies must sit at the back. the narcoleptic, arms folded, asleep in his chair. he awakes with a frown, pulls a pocket watch from inside his jacket, opens it, and looks at it. the chiming ends and he rises without a word and exits. hooray! nikki? are you the kind of girl that sits down on phonograph records? what'd he say? amazing. what'd he say? can't believe it. so will i! shut her off! wheeeee! i need a rest, i need a rest. so this is where nikki lives! got all the comforts of home. say, i never saw so many shoes. hey! look, cary! it's turtles! night, turtles. say, i like this place, too. morning. prairie oyster. there's no nikki at our hotel. sure. let's stay here. what about cary? hello. morning, nikki. hardly seems enough. hey! i never tended turtles before. oh, yeah. i see. say, do you suppose the turtles'll be all right with that porter? ya got a nice seat? come on, nikki. this is a train de luxe. who cares?! sit down. take off your shoes? sorry. i have to sprinkle the turtles, see? sure. cool 'em off. turtles get feverish on trains. what's that? say! beer. how is he? goodbye, cary. shep. nikki.