still wearing a blank expression, clutches the glass in two hands. teeth. that's right. i was just standing here. and a nice gentleman came along and begged my pardon and asked would i mind holding his teeth for a minute. said he wanted to biff somebody. just around to the right. oh, no. i have to stay here and mind the man's teeth. did something happen? oh, the man came and got his teeth. he said thank you for holding his teeth. i think he fell in an airplane in the war -- and got his teeth knocked out. oh, he had a kind of little striped ribbon in his buttonhole. his eyes. could i have a champagne cocktail? oh, my, my! oh, well, he can't either. besides, he has to use two hands. burned? burned? how burned? an airplane? in the war? did he bring him down safe? oh, so that's why--? oh, i'm so ashamed. is pleased to see cary. oh! he didn't go. oh, i'm so sorry. your hands. oh, your poor hands! your poor, poor hands. oh! then we'll have to find him. to explain how sorry i am. who's getting emotional? no. uh, could i have champagne, please? that's what i started on. it upsets me if i change over to anything else. can't read signs. oh, i know i'm not very good- looking but-- but when i was a little girl, my mother always said i had the nicest hair-ribbon. what's the matter with my drinking? well, maybe i can improve. you mean this one? i don't have it turned around on account of it's a kind of help. well, you see, when anyone kisses me too hard, it splits my lip. and you could tell when anyone kissed me too hard on account of my lip would bleed. so now i don't let anyone kiss me -- hard. where's he gone? what about my nose? well, when i was a little girl, i got bumped by a swing. i just walked through the gate. i was only seven. i can't see very far. it made me dizzy all day. all the same, he'd look funny the other way -- even in a painting. where's he gone? no husband. mother, yes. but we haven't met in quite a long time. well, on account of my mother's name was beulah. now, you can't have a mother named beulah. so i changed it to jane. and that's how it all began. who is he, anyway? i like him. what kind of chimes? i'll take vanilla. all-american what? i think it's a forgery. oh, bill! would you all excuse me for a moment? to take a chinese singing lesson. walks proudly into the restaurant as the men cheer. a smiling maitre d' directs her to the ladies' room. do you think so? and do you? what more important things? what kind of work? how nice for you! people shouldn't leave their records lying about. take me dancing? what places you got? i'll take vanilla. my, my! isn't this nice?! if you do match tricks, i'll recite. poetry. my poetry. i'll send you a photograph of my poetry. just what are your plans? it's getting pretty late, isn't it? hotel carlton. eighty-eight. we've gone an' passed my floor. we've gone an' passed my floor again. hurray! right here. yes, this is where nikki lives. help yourself. hello. and now do you suppose you could all excuse me? on account of i'd like to go to bed. mm hm. good night, cary. opening the door, wearing a robe, carrying a bottle of eau de cologne and some towels. will somebody please scrub my back? holds the bottle in her hand. the men's hands reach for it but bill is quicker than the others and commandeers it with authority. scrub hard. harder. well, practically. beulah is rich. leave a lady a few secrets, can't you? thank you, william. that was ever so cool and nice. good night. good night. entrez! i didn't expect to see you all so early. i don't know. seemed like a good idea at the time. like my legs? on account of my legs? oh! i think that would be sweet. that's what i want to do, laugh and play. 'ray! oh, it's you. won't you sit down? oh, my poor toes. don't look too close. well. when i was a little girl. my mother bought me a new pair of shoes. . and they were way too short. . and i had to walk all the way to sunday school and back. . down the road. . and it was hot and dusty. and when i got home . my toes were spoiled. and now would you all excuse me? on account of i'm gonna put on a dress. do you think cary might object? why alone? well, then, i don't think he should be left alone. tell me, what's cary doing in paris? i know. but why doesn't he go home? well, it seems - a pity to go on like this. he's such a sweet soul. isn't he just sort of wasting himself? oh, i won't. why, who ever heard of such a thing? cary?! cary? i'm coming with you. oooh! ooh, wait for nikki! wait for nikki! on account of i can walk faster in red shoes. could we sit down here, do you suppose? what should i drink now, do you suppose? picon citrons? that's what you always promise. cary, why does shep lambert go on drinking so desperately? not like shep. but isn't there some kind of treatment or something? seems such a pity. how did he get the tic? i know. but how? well, don't tell me if you don't want to. yes? oh. i'm so sorry for shep. well, isn't he going home? not ever? can't something be done for him? how's he going to end? it goes fine. but doesn't anything make any difference to you? tell me, where were you little? were you happy then, cary? tell me, what was there to be happy about on a farm in minnesota? so that's why you were happy. on account of apple blossoms and field mice and telephone wires and gypsy caravans and old trunks and things? but aren't you going back? not ever? no. i'm ready now. who all is buried here? cocoanut? oh, i practiced him. oh, tell me about ablise and loard. i'm sorry. i really didn't do it on purpose. it was on account of the picon citron. tell me about hlose and ablard. why are they buried side by side? tell me about the world's most famous lovers. whatever that is. tell me more. i'm afraid for ablard. oh, dear. heart-shaped stones? how perfectly beautiful. do you think i might find a heart- shaped stone? you help me, cary. just as soon as we find our stones. i found one! where's yours? and, now, you take mine. and i'll take yours. isn't that the way the story goes? and, now, no harm can come to our true love. you were so nice to let me come with you. i spoiled your whole day. you were going to do something else, weren't you? well, what was it, cary? why did you come here today? oh. and you wanted to be alone. i'm sorry. oh, i'm so sorry. don't pay any attention to me, cary. i can't help it. you make me cry. oh, don't look so troubled, cary. i'm all right. i just want to cry for a minute. on account of you're so nice. you're so clean, cary. and your teeth are so white. you're so civilized. you don't care about anything any more, nor anybody. nothing makes any difference to you. nothing can touch you. why, you're lost. you're all lost. you and shep and the rest of you. oh, i want to do something for you. i want to help you. let me wash your bracelet, cary. why, see? the silver's all tarnished. the silver's all tarnished. i'll take it with me and scrub it when i get home. i'll polish it with my nail-brush. well . anyway, we found a name for my turtles! hello. cary seemed so sad and everything -- on account of i'd taken up his whole afternoon. so little nikki said, all merry and bright, "well, anyway, we'd found a name for my turtles." pulled down the iron curtain. did he say he was going away? then, you've got to go to him right now! and explain that i didn't mean it! tell him how it was and everything! no, go on. you go right now before it's too late! you go right straight to cary. if cary's going to portugal, why can't we go to portugal, too? ain't we got any rights? don't we have to have passports and things? what kind passports you got? i'll take vanilla. you're goin', too? did you put all my shoes in? don't we have to go like anything? the train leaves in twenty minutes. i - i think so. oh, my turtles! my turtles! now, all you have to do - - is to sprinkle 'em now and then, like this. well, we're off. be careful of that one. do you suppose he's really gonna be here? there he is! hello, cary. oh, how nice for you! sure! trains de luxe is what we like. who cares?! goodbye! goodbye! don't forget to write! i'm glad -- on account of it's been so hot and i'm so tired and i want to go to bed. no, thank you, william. no, i can manage quite well by myself. good night, everybody. cary! well, i was just going to bed and he came in and flang himself all over me. oh, dear, does everybody have to act like this? oh, dear! uh huh. i don't like beer. don't wanna leap like a tuna. don't wanna bark like a fox. that's what i wanna do! laugh and play! oh, a hat! he tackled a horse once. you all right, bill? i'll send you my turtles, bill. and then you'll be a big success. no objection. shoot one of those pussycats and see what happens. cary, let's see you shoot something. what'd you aim at? how do you hold it still? did you notice his eyes? that's the first time i ever saw francis really happy. what'll happen to him, do you suppose? not smoking? your lighter working? no. that's what i want, a light. shep. shep! shep's hurt! do something for him, cary! oh, shepard! what can we do, cary?! what can we do?! oh, shepard, shepard, darling. what are you writing, cary? mind if i read it? why, cary. cary, that's the most beautiful letter i've ever read. please forgive me for crying, cary. i can't help it. you don't mind if i cry just a minute, do you? can't you cry, cary? but you have cried sometime in your life, haven't you? and you can't cry now? not even for shep? this time he was played out with music. that was the way he wanted it. and francis? and you, cary? you? you're alone now. i don't want you to be alone, cary. let me stay with you. let me be with you. no harm can come to our true love. well, i've always wanted a pair of spanish earrings.