can't make it, cary. can't make it. that's right. get tight. stay tight. what am i going to do, major, about my-- oh, this rotten business? mm hm. yes, sir. hello, bill! francis! not a bad idea at that. teeth! hey, how come you're with those teeth? well, what do you say we have a drink? hello, jean! martiniiii! can you imagine that, fellas? her name is nikki! poor sweet! she can't even hold her glass! course he can't hold his glass. his hands are burned. you have no right to spill your drinks. he can't help himself. he brought a plane down on fire. he held the stick. but his hands began to slip. then he held it inside his arms. he was trying to bring his rear gunner down alive. well. brought him down. yes! that's why he can't hold a glass. now, cary's had a pretty thin time. his nerves are tricky. you should never call attention to his hands. say, don't you know any other opening remarks? it's about all we've heard from you for a year. work? what kind of work? we've got to tend to our drinking. we don't get much opportunity. sounds pretty pre-war to me. oh, her? just an old hussy we found scattered around. pay no attention. sometimes he goes away. if you aren't the worst! first, you insult his hands and make him mad. then you cry over them and make him self-conscious. come on back here. come on. well, that's torn it. he'll never come back now. what for? we-ell. you don't have to get so emotional about it. you are. you're coming all apart. here. take a drink of this. make you laugh and play. she's crying on account of they didn't wash her strawberries this morning. let's go. oh, out. nope. we gotta go somewheres else. where? hello, cary. martini! yes. don't you know you're not supposed to be there? well, we'll just have to take care of her, that's all. well, just because you're a big bombardier and an all-american-- halfback. sure. go ahead. tackle a horse. here comes one now. hey! where are you going? you'll have to watch that lad, nikki. he's a member of the wandering hands society and he has a groping good time. we'll match to see who takes her home! contact! hey, stop it, will ya? put her tail down! nothing doing! let cary take the controls. you'll run us through the roof. let her go! say! that's a pilot for ya. wheeeee! and a gramophone! and she's got a book! hey, you big bombardier-- it is turtles! awww! bed? so long, turtles. sleep? you should never go to sleep! nighty-night, nikki. i think it's swell. morning. prairie oyster. say, we'd better get back to our hotel. and the bar doesn't open so early. what about cary? not a bad idea! hello, nikki! whatcha having your toes painted for, nikki? look at those legs, cary. my, they nearly match. did you ever see such a swell set of legs? would it embarrass you, nikki, if cary were to burst into tears? oh, boy! here come the drinks! here, nikki, drink this. wheee! say, i don't think nikki likes you. no. what do you wanna hang around for? me? why, i came to bring nikki some posies. i'll bet you didn't bring nikki any posies. cure the shakes. let's inspect the job. that's such a sad story. let's all have a drink, quick! my, my. what's he getting so excited about? well, on account of it's raining and everything, we thought we'd go over to the cluny and play billiards and drink beer. went to get his hat and coat. he's going to pre lachaise. a cemetery. how 'bout you coming with us? you've been invited? well, i have an idea he'd like to be alone. well, cary likes to be alone. he's as brittle as a breadstick. one silly crack from you and he might break up in sections. what are we all doing in paris? well, he's not ready to go home. what could he do if he went home? have people cry over his hands? one of the best. on the contrary. he's trying awfully hard to get hold of himself. now, listen. if you tag along, for heaven's sake, be careful what you say. don't start getting sorry for him and don't cry over him. and, above all, don't make any unfortunate remarks, hear? what are you changing your shoes for? hi, nik. cary's in a state. says he's going away. can't stand it any longer and all that sort of thing. what happened between you two, anyway? a name for the turtles? that's funny! name for the turtles! that's so funny, all right! why do you always have to be funny at the wrong time? didn't i tell you cary was brittle? how did he respond to that line? yup. gotta get away from it all. listen-- but nikki--! now, listen, cary, you don't have to behave like an old easter egg. you're breaking nikki's heart. she doesn't know any better. whew! you sure are in an uproar. what you need is a drink! where do you want to go? well, i wonder what's happening in portugal tonight. cary better not think he can screw up in portugal and leave old shep behind. ten-thirty in the morning. sud express. sure we gotta have passports! nikki, do you want --? i don't know how you're going to get all these dresses in, nikki. can you imagine cary tryin' to run away and leave us behind? yeah, come on, cary! we wanna see that seat by the window. sud express, train de luxe. say, i wonder if a chap can get a drink on this train. yes, we like trains de luxe, don't we, nikki? well, let her start. who cares?! come in. yup. we're going down there to investigate conditions. by the way, what are conditions? no. never saw one in my life. going to bed? who ever heard of such a thing? undo your hair? she's got eyes like an assyrian queen's got eyes. i did so see an assyrian queen. in the metropolitan museum's green hat, that's whose green hat. you're not going anywhere. you're on a train. you go back to your turtles, hear? you've been neglecting your assignment. silly drunks?! socko! say, cary, what day is this? wednesday? wednesday what? what month, i mean? i knew once but i forgot. june? say, maybe i better get up. what town are we in? lisbon. that's where i thought it was. i just wanted to check up is all. i kind of lose track of things. serious? is anything serious any more? oh, i'll be all right when i've had a couple of drinks. say, what town did you say this was? bull-fight? are we going to a bull-fight? is that guy frink coming along? gee, isn't there any way we can get rid of that guy? not a bad idea at that. let's find the bar. we gotta get organized for the bull-fight. beer is what i want. you hurt, bill? so long, bill. let's go and shoot. we'll be right back. hold everything. first one to miss pays for the drinks. all right. look out, pussycat. well, that's what i was aiming at, a clay pipe. whole thing's been misrepresented to me. no. don't want to walk. let's take a cab. fast work. nice shooting. "sudden death," all right. that's right. i am kind of quiet. no. good ol', nikki -- never has any matches. sure you want a light? it's a forgery. good old cary. sweet nikki. you may not believe it but this is the best thing that ever happened to me. no, no, cary. don't rush me anywheres. let's sit here for a while. the-- hurts, the jolting. that's better. you know, cary, i feel - just like we're falling -- long time ago. do you remember? spinning . spinning . spinning. only you brought me down safe. oh, cary. good old cary. best flyer in the service. not this time, cary. ol' shep's gonna crash. say, but we're spinning fast. level off. cary, level off.