we leave in the morning?! i won't sleep tonight. what an adventure! i absolutely cannot wait to return to portman square, having laid eyes upon the full-blooded, red men in the wild! nonsense. papa wouldn't have sent for us if it were dangerous. can we rest soon? shrieks. cora grabs alice's reins and her own. on the ground, screaming insanely, covered by cora who's protecting her little sister, and . cora, holding her, is stunned but functioning. moments ago both women were clean and demure. now their riding dresses are torn, mud-stained, blood-spattered and their baggage is gone. we need them to get out of here! approaches and is frozen in horror. cora shields her from the sight. cora is affected but confronts it directly. seeing the red-painted ottawa approach, starts to panic. her hyperventilating and involuntary small sounds of fear will reveal their position. a hand covers her mouth and silences her struggling. widen. it's uncas. his other arm is around her, holding her, looking towards the advancing ottawa. re-energized, her spirits pick up. will we be able to bathe? duncan, you are absolutely gallant. if cora doesn't marry you, i shall. i can't wait to see papa . papa, papa!! talk to duncan, cora . i must manage . i cannot be an invalid schoolgirl. i'll see if mr. phelps needs anything . on her hands and knees. a massive ottawa pulls her upright by her hair about to take her life and her scalp. he's struck by a rock in the hands of cora which barely phases him. he bats her aside and returns to alice, when suddenly . stands in the chamber not far from the wall of water, fascinated with its shimmer. she's oblivious to all the events and everything going on around her . sensing new danger, slips away on her own. looks at the sky through the fissure. she sees the starfields and feels silver moonlight pull her forward. she starts out onto the island, oblivious, unaware she'll expose them. suddenly . uncas . looks down at uncas, her lover, dead on the rocks below. she turns to magua with enigmatic calm. her eyes seem to see into him. she steps off the edge. she falls to her death next to uncas .