slips through young trees and stops, shouldering his smoothbore musket. is this an ambush? we're sorry to kill you, brother. forgive us. i do honor to your courage and speed, your strength . halloo! john cameron! the master of life is good. another year pass . how is it with you, john? your eyes are too sharp, alexandria cameron. they see into my heart. fathers of england & france, both, take more land, furs, than they need. they're cold & full of greed . has headed off further down the stream and discovers nothing. rapidly he rejoins uncas and hawkeye who've become extremely alert. they move up the bank into the forest ninety degrees from their previous path. pursues two fleeing hurons up the incline. two strides gain him the first man, who he hamstrings and runs over to pursue the second up the hill . as . to hawkeye: let's go . then a fast exchange of delaware. cora's surprised to see it's chingachgook's decision. chingachgook looks at the survivors, gives his assent, starts off. yengeese no good in woods. make more noise, i kill him. is already moving out front, low and fast . ottawa. leave them. mutters something to uncas. he nods and disappears amongst the white birch, soundlessly. his massive arms spread revealing his war club in his left fist; his fusil in his right hand. sees all of it; doesn't like it. run diagonally past pyramidal stacks of cannon ball, smoldering beams and shrapnel, wounded men. just then a mortar is fired and explodes, killing the gun crew. on the ramparts mohawks and colonial militia, sniping at the french. women huddle in corners next to the sick and dying. why do they make my son prisoner? what will they do with my white son? protecting hawkeye, slams his war club into one huron, breaking his attack, his arm and his skull and swings the other way burying the bladed end into the chest of an ottawa who's behind him. then . smashing his war club straight down on a huron, reaches for the man's musket and shoots another. then he sees . followed by uncas, takes stock of their supplies. they check their powder. they have almost none. uncas shares his with hawkeye. the redcoat's cartridge case is soaked, the paper cartridges a soggy mess. heyward has none. the ranger has two left. in mohican, chingachgook decides some things. hawkeye and uncas nod. heyward approaches hawkeye. has their weapons slung over his back. he says something in mohican. uncas spins looks at alice: her expression's vacant. tries to focus, slammed against rocks, he's striking out towards the right, swimming against the current. he's grabbing for something. out on the flank. running hard. holding killdeer. tosses hawkeye killdeer. as fast as he jams it into his shoulder he fires. seeing his boy killed, cries out and is charging up the path, hawkeye following. isn't there. he rolled and, on one knee with his back to magua, his arm slams rearward. the massive war club crashes into magua's back. now up and towering - slams his club right into magua's assault . destroying it, breaking magua's right arm. and . with his momentum, spins like a shot-putter and the next blow cripples magua's left side and crushes part of his chest. uncas!!! great spirit and the maker of all life . the frontier moves with the sun and pushes the red man of the wilderness forests in front of it. until one day there will be nowhere left. then our race will be no more, or be not us . the frontier place is for people like my white son and his woman and their children. no. it is true . one day . there will be no more frontier. then men like you will go, too. like the mohicans. and new people will come. work. struggle to make their light . one mystery remains. will there be anything left to show the world that we ever did exist?