rises and slowly walks into the light. he is reserved and over six feet tall. his head is shaved into a mohawk. rings, beads & feathers pierce his ears. a blanket is worn as a shawl over his left shoulder exposing his right arm and heavy tattooing. a long tomahawk is in the belt of his breechcloth. cradling his musket. i understand. this is not good place to stop. two leagues from here. no water 'til then. that where we stop. better place. "magua understand paleface is a dog to his women. when his women want to eat, he lay aside his tomahawk to feed their laziness." magua say: "yes. good idea." shoots ambrose in the chest, and . calmly sees the odds have changed. his attention becomes focused. he commits a very revealing act seen through the blurred foreground action of struggling bodies. we will remember it. he raises his musket and aims at . entering with four huron braves. this is not the magua we saw on the trail. in his scalp lock, now red-stained and cut to a huron roach, are three blacl plumes. a match-coat blanket drapes his left shoulder. english war chief, webb goes to fort edward with 33rd regiment. he does not know my father's army attacks fort william henry. the grey hair will try. the grey hair's children were under magua's knife but escaped. they'll be under it again. when the grey hair is dead, magua will eat his heart. before he dies magua will put his children under the knife so the grey hair will see his seed is wiped out forever. in full war paint, with a coterie of huron warriors, silent, waiting. drums. is the hatchet buried between the english and my french father? not a warrior has a scalp and the white men become friends. magua took the hatchet to color it with blood. it is still bright. only when it is red, then it will be buried. where is that sun?! it has gone behind the hill. it is dark and cold. it has set on his people, they are fooled and kill all the animals and sell all of their lands to enrich the european masters who are always greedy for more than they need. and le subtil is the son of his tribe. there have been many clouds and many mountains. but now he has come to lead his nation. does my father know that? and this? magua slept hard in the english wigwams. and the sticks left their mark . magua's village and lodges were burnt. magua's children were killed by the english. magua was taken as a slave by the mohawks who fought for the grey hair. magua's wife believed he was dead and became the wife of another. the grey hair was the father of all this. in time magua became blood-brother to mohawk to become free. in his heart he always was huron. and his heart will be whole again on the day when the grey hair and all his seed are dead! does the chief of the canadas believe the english will keep the terms? many things my french father cannot do, magua can. i wonder at the blindness and pride of the white man. he believes only he knows how to speak falsely to make other men do his bidding. glides through the scenes, striking and hunting. some of his coterie of braves near him. he sees . grey hair. i will cut your heart from your living chest in front of your eyes. as you die, know that i will put under the knife your children and wipe your seed from this earth forever . reaching down and up into something, emerges and jams an object we barely see into the air. but his arm and shoulder and half his chest are splashed red with blood. enters. his blanket, like a shawl, over his left shoulder, black plumes in his hair. he's imperturbable. gifts? wampum? does yengeese major have property across salt sea? yengeese major give all property to magua. magua give yengeese major much wampum, many gifts, maybe three, four oxen. for munro children? how much gold has the master of the yengeese? not enough. heart. give magua new heart. is imperturbable. many of the yengeese are dead, great sachem. i have brought three of my prisoners, to honor you. two are the children of munro. whose scalp hangs on my lodge pole. and whose heart i cut from his chest. the earth was pale. our tomahawks were bright. now they are dull from war. and the huron rich with the trophies of honor . magua will sell the english officer to les francais and the reward is my gift to you, wise one . the women - children of the white war chief - will burn in our fires so all can share in this. senses the sachem's eye line . our father, montcalm, is greater than the yengeese in the arts of war. the huron do not fear english anger. it made our french father happy to never have to fight the same yengeese again. he told me this without telling me this. no. huron serve no one. the french father believes he fooled magua because he is so proud of his cleverness, he is blind. but it is the huron path that magua walks down, not the french one . now, les francais, also, fear huron. that is good. when the huron is strong from their fear, we will make the terms of trade with les francais. and we will trade as the white man trades. take land from the abnakes; fur from the osage, sauk & fox. and make the huron great. over other tribes. no less than the whites, as strong as the whites. the red man put down the bow, picked up the fire stick and became the best warrior in the forest. yes. it is the only way. waits for the decision. this is not the voice of wisdom. i go to the hurons of the lakes! you are women. send your arrows and guns to the seneca, beg from them venison to eat, corn to grind. slaves, dogs, rabbits, thieves . i spit on you! running forward past five, confronts uncas head on. it's incredibly fast. moves on alice. his knife is low, about to strike. she stares at him. her eyes are like pools of deep water, calm, open, almost beatific. it stops magua . inexplicably, drops his knife hand. he's riveted by her. about him, there's a glimmer of something else. he wears a human face for this one moment. he reaches out with his other hand to offer her safety. to bring her back from the edge . charging chingachgook. stunned, turns to hatchet chingachgook . amazed. his body is broken and crippled, but he still stands. he looks into the eyes of the last warrior of the mohicans.