stands with a huge and fearsome elaborately tattooed and robed seneca chief in a silk turban . for my children and the children of the true faith, my friendship and esteem is boundless . i will give you three oxen for a feast and tomorrow i, myself, will sing the war song with you in the great council house. le renard subtil, how are things with your english friends? louis antoine, join us. hear what le subtil has to tell us . why do hate the grey hair, magua? my sappeurs are advancing the trenches through the night, now. you may have your opportunity soon. colonel munro, i have known you as a gallant antagonist. i am happy to make your acquaintance as a friend. please accept my compliments for the strong and skillful defense of your fortress. under the command of a lesser man it would have fallen long ago given the superior numbers and material . mere chance has allowed me to array against you . you have already done everything which is necessary for the honor of your prince. i will forever bear testimony that your resistance has been gallant and was continued as long as there was hope. but now, i beg you to listen to the admonitions of humanity. i beg you to consider my terms for your surrender. honor that is freely accorded to courage, may be refused obstinacy . these hills afford to us every opportunity to reconnoiter your works and i am possibly as well acquainted with your weak condition as you are yourselves. my scouts intercepted this dispatch intended for you. read the dispatch. sir. i am incapable of mistreating brave men. i beg you not to sign the death warrant of so many until you have listened to my terms. my master requires the fort be destroyed. but, for you and your comrades, there is no privilege that will be denied. none of your men will see the inside of a prison barge. they're free to go so long as they return to england and fight no more on this continent, and the civilian militia return to their farms. they may leave the fortress fully armed, but with no ammunition . other than that, ask what you wish. granted. carry them to england to your king with pride. granted, monsieur. france. la victoire. il est necessaire d'etre vigilant, mon enfant. yes. my master owns these lands and your father has been ordered to drive off the english squatters. they have consented to go. so now he calls them enemies no longer. but so many suns have set since le renard struck the war post. is he not tired? that le renard has the power to lead his people into the light, i know well. that's where a lead bullet has torn you. my son has been sadly injured. who did this? my son magua's pain is my pain. munro would. but general webb will not send their soldiers across the salt lake. having let them go, i fear i will only fight the same men again when i move south. and yet, i cannot break the terms of the capitulation and sully the lilies of france . as the english march away, our soldiers and the canadiens will be drawn to the looting of the fort . except for a small guard . salutes munro and bows gravely from the saddle.