why are you here?! why did you allow them to come? . and where the bloody hell are my reinforcements!! told you to stay away from this hell hole! why did you disobey me? my letter . what? i sent three men to webb! does webb not even know we are besieged? what happened to you? thank you. how can i reward you? what else? i'm indebted to you. and get your side sewn up, young man. sees his exhausted and bloodstained surgeon in the doorway that leads to the next rooms. mr. phelps! is moved beyond words by his daughters' presence. there's a break, a pause . what a place for them . logistics are his guns are bigger than mine and he has more of them. they keep our heads down while his sappers make thirty yards of trench a day. his thirteen inch mortars have a two hundred yard range, so when they're close enough, they'll move them in, lob explosive rounds over our walls and pound us to dust. bloody murderers. not enough time to get to albany and back with reinforcements . webb's at edward? only twelve miles away! he could be here day after tomorrow. find your man, sir! captain beams will give you the message. yes, mr. poe? so? thank you. that's all, sir. terrible feature of war in the americas. best to keep your sight fixed on our duty. our duty is to defeat france. that hangs on a courier to webb. i must receive proof more conclusive than mr. poe's opinion before i weaken our defenses by allowing militia to withdraw. i judge military matters, captain winthrop, not you. what did you see, major? i'll have none of that! montcalm is a soldier and a gentleman. not a butcher. you forget yourself! british promises are honored. and the militia will not be released. because i need more definite proof than this man's word! this interview's over! the militia stays! anyone fomenting or advocating leaving fort william henry will be hung for sedition. anyone leaving will be shot for desertion. my decision is final. get out. the man encouraged the colonials to desert in this very room, in my presence. he is guilty of sedition and must be tried and hanged like any other criminal, regardless of what he did for my children. not with enough certainty to outweigh british interests in this fort. but the man is guilty of sedition and subject to military justice and beyond pardon. you do not know what you are saying! and i to make yours, monsieur le marquis. monsieur le marquis, i am a soldier, not a diplomat. you called this parlay for a reason. however i may apprise such testimony from monsieur montcalm, fort william henry is strong and stands. perhaps the general's glasses can reach to the hudson and he knows the size and imminence of the army of webb ? you have heard your answer, monsieur le marquis. such as ? their arms? the honors of war? my colors? allow me to consult with my officers. i have lived to see two things i never expected. an englishman afraid to support a friend. and a frenchman too honest to profit by that advantage. death and honor are sometimes thought to be the same. today i have learned that they are not. the decision is final. i am deeply touched by such unusual and unexpected generosity . the fort is yours under the condition that we be given until dawn to bury our dead, prepare our men and women for their march and turn our wounded over to your surgeon. monsieur, the fort is yours. has seen it too. and now he sees . steady! no one fires! gallops his horse away from cora and alice towards the scene of the last attack. we hear him from the distance ordering . do not break ranks! i want these ranks to hold ! hollering cora! alice!