stops dead, holding out his hand . no sound. your farm good to you this year, john? mohawk field we saw was 5 mile long on the river. chief joseph brandt's field. no, schylerville. with the dutch for silver. french & english want to buy with wampum & brandy. so i can find a woman and make mohican children so our father will leave my brother & me in peace. no. you are too strong. turn me old too fast! we had our say, ian. scalps the man he killed. chingachgook dispatches the huron he hamstrung. just cut the throat of the second narraganset. it drops into the brush. alice attacks him. too easy to track . they can be heard for miles . find yourself a musket . stops, alarmed. something in the air bothers him. hawkeye smells it, too. returns from under one part of the wreckage, ashen, stoic, as they all are. we know the degree of their inner pain. all dead . enters, very careful where he places his feet . hawkeye gestures to heyward to stay where he is: on the periphery with the women. mirrors . tools . clothes . all inside. moving fast. he gestures back the way he came and it means they're in jeopardy. uncas disappears around the mound. looks over his shoulder, sees something in the far distance, gestures to hawkeye and chingachgook. looks over his shoulder. didn't! some food. you told him about the raid? tight weave. sees a flash of something yellow. so does hawkeye. they charge into the swirling chaos of attacking bodies. as we lose sight of them . leaps off the stern of hawkeye's canoe and climbs up the stern of heyward's and takes control. he roughly gestures to the redcoat and the major to stop paddling. he and hawkeye will pilot the two canoes. lurches sideways, grabs a tree root. he is the only link of the canoe to earth. the bow, with heyward, is literally hanging over the edge. uncas strains and pulls the canoe to the rock. he gestures to heyward. immediately starts up the right acclivity to one fissure, and chingachgook moves carefully to the first fissure. hawkeye follows. yanks her down next to him. he pulls her head into his chest, looking out over the edge, his tomahawk in front of him, his musket near his right hand. there is no sign she was seen. his hand buried in her hair irradiated by the moon, then she seems to reach some emotional climax and begins to cry softly, and uncas stops making love to her and holds her. then she's flooded with shame. he reaches for her. she jerks away. he reaches for her again and clutches her to him. and she breaks down. then he turns her face to him, but her expression has completely flattened. swings out, now hanging by the vertical face above the overhang. his features are distorted with determination. nothing will stop him. his right hand grabs another rock. his arms snap him up. then push. he's on the ledge. moving fast . slams him off the rock with the butt of his musket.