we need a flag. find me a goddamn white flag! surrender, damn it! that's an order! nathan, good to see you. sit down. this is mr. omura, from japan, and his two associates who, so far as i can tell, don't have names. they're looking to hire real american soldiers to create the first japanese imperial army. japan's got it in mind to become a civilized country and they're willing to spend what it takes to hire white experts to do the job right. sergeant gant has already agreed to serve. you would be m y second-in-command. both governments prefer to consider our mission unofficial. we'd be there as non-combatants they know i was your commanding officer. yes. get him in front of the troops, you'll see. top of his class at west point. brilliant tactician. even wrote a book. what's a hero to do when there's no more great battles? sir, this man was left for dead at sutter's hill. doct ors swore his heart had stopped beating, but before they could bury him, he came back to life. after the war he fought the sioux, the cree, and the blackfoot. . point him at the enemy. he was born for it. i hope you realize the kind of second chance this is for you. i won't tolerate insubordination. would you rather i hadn't recommended you for the medal. nathan? is that it? i expect you to do your job. save the self-pity for your own time. you'll be quartered at the embassy for now. that young pup runs this country? we have no choice. --the railroad has been stopped here. just as it entered yoshino, katsumoto's province. the rebels don't have a single rifle. they're savages with bows and arrows. you get up there and show 'em how it', done. you think we're the only country interested in japan?! you don't think the germans and the french would like to oversee the new army? why do you think we're here, captain? because remington and colt and winchester have powerful allies in washington. we're here to sell a shitload of american guns. and steel. and timber. that shouldn't be bud for a winchester whore like you to understand. captain algren, have you posted a rear guard to protect our supply train? who is overseeing their deployment? mr. graham, you will accompany me to the rear. i want to be certain we are protected from any surprise assault. algren? my god, you never cease to astonish. the kaiser was only too happy to help. along with his friends at mauser and krupp. thank god we americans still have a few teeth in our head. the ambassador and i have spent eight months kissing omura's ass so he'll sign the damn trade pact with us. you spent all this time living with those savages? he's going to want to talk to you. and your back pay, i imagine. they got their flag. . see? as soon as they sign the agreement, they're obligated to buy the entire weapons package, from colt revol vers to ha1liwell twelve-pounders. plus this particular item you might recognize. they've been calibrated to fire 200 rounds a minute, the new copper cartridges cut down on jamming. oughtta shave more often, algren. becomes you. heard you were leaving, actually? certainly seems obsessed by you. why do you think that is? a gift from president grant? 1 don't know what to say, sir. i never would have thought him capable of treason. what if he just goes off to the mountains and becomes a damn sheep-herder or some such? captain. . sir, the imperial army of japan demands your surrender. if you and your fellows lay down your arms you will not be harmed. captain algren, we will show no quarter. you ride against us and you are the same as they are. a classic "v" ambush. sonofabitcb is using welt point tactics. the gatling guns. quickly. looks around in abject terror. he screams out an order. cowers in fear, looks around, but there is nowhere to hide. fire! fire, dammit!!!!!