thank. you. very . much. i am most impressed at the wa y the blossoms float upon the air, as if held by unseen hands. this railroad must go through yoshino province? if you sa y so, i shall sign. no, mori-san. we arc "civilized" now. you can. if it is not a great imposition. i desire a moment alone with minister katsumoto. omura-san. so kind of you, but i fear my old teacher wishes to upbraid me in private for neglecting my studies. you rise against me, my teacher. they are my teacher, my advisers, like you. the world is changing, mori -- you have not seen what goes on beyond our borders, the inventions, the science. i need men who can look outward, or soon we will be left behind, and defenseless. the samurai live in the past. you cannot defend against a future you don't understand. no, mori. it is my wish that you rejoin the council of state. i need your voice. i am a living god only as long as i do what they think is right. is it possible a living god can be too afraid to make his voice heard? tell me what to do, mori-san? my ancestors have ruled japan for 2,000 years. and for all that time we have slept. during my sleep i have dreamed. i dreamed of a unified japan. of a country strong and independent and modern. and now we are awake. we have railroads and cannon and western clothing. but we cannot forget who we are. or where we come from. ambassador swanbeck i have concluded that your treaty is not in the best interests of my people. you may not. from this moment on, economic investment from ever y nation will be considered equally. omura, do you know our northern island? there is a small one called taraku. a rock in the sea. there is nothing there but crabs who have been known to tear a sleeping man apart . i have had a small house constructed on the island. you will go there now and await our summons. i hereby seize your family's assets and present them as my gift to the people. further, i have decided to stop the railroad cxpansion into yoshino. you have served your function. i have no more need of you . you can conspire with the crabs now. remove yourself. if your shame is too unbearable . i offer you this sword. the samurai is not a man now. he is an idea. tell me how he died.