to fight in your american civil war. tell me about that war'. the emperor gave this blade to my ancestors 400 years ago. it has been used only to defend his sacred honor. we gave up firearms two hundred years ago. it takes no courage to kill. a man from half a mile awa y. you must look into the eyes of your enemy to know who you have killed. what do you know of human life? you come here to kill for money where is your family? where is your wife, your sons? what is your legacy? you could spend your life looking for one. and it would not be a wasted life. is this why you spend so much time with your journal? you have sent men to their deaths, just as i have. before you were a soldier, you were a farmer. you lived on a farm. or in a forest of trees. the wa y you look at the cherry blossoms. were they beautiful? like those trees, we are all dying. the future is an illusion, our plans are an illusion, our fears an illusion. we live life in every breath. eat, drink, fuck. now. every cup of tea. every word we write. every blossom we hold. every life we take. and if the emperor desires, i will take my own life at his command. there is no gold in japan. and why would steamships be so important? today the council passed two edicts. the first called for the elimination of our traditional topknots. i am hard to kill. brothers . one day you will know what you have done and feel what i never will . shame. this was your plan? it is sad to see brave men die without faces. you cannot tell one warrior from another. you have your honor again. let me die with mine . kaishaku. are you ready?