i've brought you a glass of tea. it's your first day. enjoy it. you met sergeyenko? ad what do you think? say that again. is that what you think? masha. but you should still say what you think. not just about him. we all should. tomorrow you can make your own. he's a sorry old tight-assed stick in the mud. but yes, he's sincere. you're finished for the day? no, i find it sweet. i find you reactionary. he admires you, i believe. sergeyenko told me. he's miserable about it. what do you talk about when you're with him? why are you blushing? really. and what relations are these? i had a lover before i came here. headmaster of a school where i taught. he was married - happily married. it was difficult. we could make love only at school. in the gymnasium, after the girls had gone. there were straw mats on the floor. have i upset you? but you disapprove of me. i see it in your eyes. listen to you. you're a prig. just like sergeyenko. why else would they have hired you? i don't care if it's fair. it's true. neutral. my god. do as you like. valentin fedorovich. you forgot your horse. ssshh. move the book. your book. is it alright? you really are a virgin. i'm playing. it's fine. it's wonderful. hold me. i am awake. it was wonderful. what do you mean? you mean, why does someone who doesn't follow the rules come to a place like this? it's not about rules. not for tolstoy anyway. we're happy to have you with us. it's absurd. that's all. i'm sorry but- it's a mosquito. i'm not supposed to do this either. you wouldn't look at me. but it wasn't difficult in your bed. when it was only you and me in front of god. so, i made you forget god? yes, only for a moment. you forgot your rules and remembered love. it is simple. what we did is what men and women do, have done, will continue doing. what could be more simple? we touched each other-- stayed close together. something passed between us. something real. that is a betrayal of what? of nothing. no. i feel a little sad, but it is not for me. it's for you. fine. fine. why did you? i think i've confused you. i've confused us both. maybe you could help me a little. yes. i'll wait for you, then. i'm going back to moscow. chertkov spoke with me this afternoon. he says i could be more useful there. which means. we've both disappointed him. no, i want to go. i'm leaving the movement. i am not. look, when i read his confession, it moved me, valya. he was searching for freedom. freedom from anger. freedom from attachment. freedom from all the superstition and nonsense of the church. it moved me so much. i thought that's what it would be about. isn't that what it's about? freedom and love? but they mix it all up. come with me. please. i'm going to my room. i know you do. i know. yes. yes. i know, but i came for you, valya. i came for you, too. then, hold me. hold me. hold me.