i don't know, mother. no idea. papa. did you ride this morning? papa's out. you can wait in the library. ivan will show you up. mama, you're being ridiculous. my mother doesn't understand my father's goals, not since his work as a novelist became secondary. his commitment to the spiritual life offends her. they've fought about it for years. quite. god bless you. god bless you. what is it? well, give it to him then. she is looking for allies. pay attention. this is war. where's papa? papa! he's free. he's free. he's coming back from my mother "nerves dreadful. stop. insomnia. stop. pulse 100. stop. please come home. don't give in to her, papa. it'll never end. i swear to god, that woman has an instinct for knowing when you're just about to enjoy yourself who taught her to use that damned machine? it's a trick, papa. she'll drain you. you'll be miserable. then, let me go with you. listen to him, papa. he has our best interests at heart. i know its hard for you, papa. but we must be realistic. what are you doing? mama, please. you'll kill him, mama. that's what you want, isn't it? you want him to die!" valentin. valentin. get up. he's leaving. hes leaving. absolutely essential. everything's ready. papa? be well. be well. i'm simply telling you what happened. he's gone. i have no idea where. nobody does. honestly, i have no idea. the pond! mama, mama! stop. not this. hurry! hurry! no! she's drowning. help her! she's dead. my mother. she's dead. let me take you to the house, mother. let's go to the house. i see no harm in it. let's get her to bed. she's exhausted herself. she's slept for nearly four hours. the noise subsides a little. well, a little. come in. for me? she's allowed to send a note to my father. i just don't know where to tell her to send it. why are you giving it to me? she is allowed to send my father a note! she never gives up. "dearest papa. return at once. obvious. yes? he's with my aunt. at the shamardino. he's right, you know, to go. she will be right behind us. he cant breath. valentin, please. the smoke is too much. we've come to the end of the world. you'll be comfortable here, papa. the rest of us. we'll find cots or sleep in the station. papa. she's coming this way. he's too weak now, mother. vladimir gregorovich is here because father asked him to be here. we didn't have to. it was in all the papers. that if you killed yourself, he'd be upset. horribly upset. but he could not have acted other than he did. you're unbearable. i don't think so. i don't know, papa. there's no way to. she's at home. i'm sure of it. yes, papa. our home? he said to me once"you're like your mother. you're so full of anger." i know it's terrible. but who will protect him? i don't want him to die. it can't be right. his fever is down. shall i call her? do you want to see her, papa? i can't do this anymore. i want you to come. take a coat. it's cold. mother. mother! control yourself. you have to control yourself.