do you know who that is? that is the greatest man in the world. tolstoy does not approve of sexual relations. i know this. this would not be a problem. i'm celibate. i'm also a strict vegetarian. believe me, since becoming a tolstoyan, i have become so eager to learn, so comitted to discussing ideas, improving my very soul. we? in the name of truth and freedom. enemies? she wouldn't open his private correspondence. please. anything? oh, goodness. it's a beautiful day. i look forward to it. of course. just that. secrecy doesn't seem to me the essence of tolstoy's thought. yes, i. i'll see you in the morning. come in. that's very kind of you. last night. he seems very sincere. thank you. why are you laughing? i said he seems very. why? i just arrived. what's your name? thank you for the tea. hello. hello. i'm. i'm. here is- i'm sorry. sometimes i. he told me about it. it's very exciting. i'm very happy. you are very kind. i'm no one and you are. you are leo tolstoy and you ask me about my work. it's a keystone of the movement. i think. it's your voice. it's wonderful. do your parents often speak to each other so. bluntly? i'm sure she means well. your father is the greatest writer in the world. i mean to say, i feel privileged to be here. it's an. honor. i'm sorry. sometimes i sneeze when i'm nervous. its from your mother. she wants to see me. thank you, countess. i admire your husband immensely. his ideas are beautiful. social justice. the idea. don't you think? thank you. many times. twice. he's given me an extraordinary opportunity. i don't believe anyone wants to do that. it's a very popular activity around your husband. that may not be so easy. he didn't need me this afternoon. leo nikolayevich disapproves of women doing physical labor. don't you find that reactionary? tolstoy's kind to everyone. we talk about me. he wants to know everything about me, my parents, my relations with women, my experience of god - at school? i see. no. i appreciate your frankness i don't. not at all. i think sexual activity. how men and women combine their physical parts is completely neutral. that's not fair i'm going. yes. you know, i think that i. never mind. a girl who died? you shouldn't torture yourself. it was a long time ago. i try to. you know, to. are you alright? what do you mean? its interesting. i think you would say. i mean, ive read where you say that the physical body isnt real. that its all an illusion. i. i dont know. lilac? i hope my work is pleasing to leo nikolayevich. what do you mean? it's not quite so obvious to me. i do. that's why i'm here. well, i think the countess is very suspicios by nature. i dont think she likes you very much. its a tone ive picked up. hello. hello? masha? masha. masha. what. what is it? wake up, wake up. i want to ask you something. say it again. why did you come to a place like this? you dont follow any of the rules. what is it? at the moment, i'm indisposed. tell him. i'll be down at once. if i see her i will. let me go out first. give me five minutes. what are you saying? masha. you are not supposed to smoke at telyatinki. it was difficult in front of the others. i'm not sure i was conscious of god. no. you make it sound very simple. i'm afraid i've hurt you, havent i? she's here to question you about the new will. she claims leo nikolayevich told her she could examine the draft. it doesn't seem petty to me. he`s her life. the work, in her mind, is theirs. together. i'm talking about their history -- - simply that. nothing has happened. i'll escort the countess home and be back in time for supper. it's nothing, really. masha is a friend. a good friend. i'm not annoyed. maybe i do. sorry, sorry, i'll. i didn't mean to scare you. are you alright. i came back as soon as i could. it was a strange day. leo nikolayevich,. i love to listen to him. i love nothing more. but today i could hardly concentrate. all i could think of was you. what's wrong? no. no. you didnt confuse me. i was stupid. i was afraid, but i'm not afraid anymore. i love you, masha! masha. before the other night. i'd committed the act of copulation many times in my heart. i think about you all the time. in my heart ive comitted the act of copulation many times. i just want to say. it was never like it was with you. i hope you're feeling better. i took singing lessons for years. i thought about a career in music. the only thing i lacked, in the end, was talent. i'm sorry about everything. really, i'm expected at telyatinki. i should go. i thought it might be quieter, but- countess. are you alright? is she alright? it was terrible there today. between them. they loved each other so much, but you see what it becomes. masha, whats the matter? what? this is him punishing us, punishing me for befriending sofya andreyevna. for not. this is chertkov. i don't care. you can't go away. i'll talk to him. i'll make him change his mind. im going to make you stay. what? you cant leave tolstoy. don't leave me, masha. i need you. i do. maybe we should get back. it'll be dark soon. may i ask you something that has nothing to do with work? do you love your wife? i'm a secretary, after all. i'm leaving telyatinki. i am going to moscow. look, you say the movement's about love- but i've never met mankind, only men and women, imperfect men, imperfect women. i'm laughing because i didn't sneeze. yes, of course. what? where will you go? do you want to go back? i will. i think so, yes. i have this for you. countess! sasha, go back to the jetty. here, let me help you. i will. i will. stay here. i'm glad she can sleep. the pain subsides a little. ingenious. i'm here. i don't know if she's my girl. i very much hope so. ive told you she has promised she wouldnt make any problems. but besides, where are we going? please move back. please let him breath. please give him some room. the stationmaster says we may have his house for as long as we need it. there are no inns nearby, so we're lucky. hello, hello? could you send a cable for me? tolstoy ill at astapovo. temperature high. send it to sofya andreyevna, yasnaya polyana. he wasn't well enough to travel. it's very cold. ready for what? i'd like to send another cable. at astapovo. stop. tolstoy ill. stop. heart breaking. stop. please come. that's it. it goes to masha. to maria filipovna melinov, moscow. thank you. let me speak to her. countess! of course. but i'm not certain if its the best time, countess. sofya andreyevna. stay back, stay back. let me take you back. yes, of course. no, countess, don't worry. not at all. what is it? dushan, whats wrong? you lied to him. he wants to see her. you heard him say it. i dont know, theyve been married for 48 years. she promised me- they have a whole life togehter. why do you have to deny that? keep the priest away- no, you want an icon. you want to take photographs and give out postcards. you want people to kneel in front of an image youve created. but he doesnt wanted that. he never wanted that, and it will give him no peace. he wants to see her. let her come. oh, god. you exhaust me. tell me one thing. that image you want to create, just looks like you, doesnt it? masha. masha. masha. i'm so sorry he's gone. hes gone. i love you. i do. i love you. excuse me, countess. this may not be the time, but- masha. this is masha. no, no. not at all. i just wanted to say good bye. god bless you, too.