nick! tell me about this body! will do! --we'll have to wait for the autopsy results, but-- your booby-trap killed two of mine * and put four in the hospital. that * brings the total of people you've * killed to six -- and be advised the * bureau does not suffer losing agents in the field. we're done dancing. i have the right to claim jurisdiction here, do i not, detective dunnigan? so. i'm gonna rendition your ass. rumor has it we have places that make guantanamo look like disneyland. don't bother packing, you're gonna disappear. you wanna take this fuck down? be my guest. whatever you need. i'll make a few discreet calls. see what i can find out. two words: doggy bag. be in your office in ten minutes. * nick, don't ask questions. i was on the phone all day. believe me when i say we've got one shot at this. so i'm told. it's called inter-agency cooperation, but don't ask me what agency because i wouldn't know. this isn't even back-channels, this is theseus in the fucking labyrinth. i just blew thirty years' worth of favors today calling in this one chit. i hope it's worth it. * like what? he's locked up. what can he do? actually, i kind of suck. thank you. father's day. fellas. for once, glad not to be of assistance. each car had an explosive charge on the gas tank. not necessarily. everything looks pre-rigged. he didn't. our people just found bombs on every car in your ada pool. all two dozen. we're disarming those now. we'll give him his phone. we'll tap in and monitor every call. we have granules of an unidentified substance in the ice-maker. i'm betting something lethal. i'm actually a little jealous clyde didn't pick me. you're muddling with him. i don't want you back at your house until my people sweep it. you need pajamas, buy some in the shop downstairs. * no shit. this is quite a list. over * forty locations? don't touch it! could be motion sensitive! i need light! c-4 is for girl scouts. this is malglinite. take out the whole floor above us. maybe this entire corner of the building. no, we got tripwires. we open this lid, instant karma's gonna get us. don't see a motion sensor. trigger looks simple. dial a cell phone, incoming call arms the trigger -- trigger's set to count down from forty seconds, then boom. that call comes in, we have forty seconds to get as far away from this thing as possible. i'm open.