let's not guess, let forensics do its job. the governor's incoming number triggered this device and shut out any further calls. this mean anything to you? * "his tongue will wag in hell." those very words? it was ten years ago. you think, or you know? okay, raise bernstein, i want everything he's got, including an address. we roll with tactical. is that clarence darby? jesus, look at this. no wonder bernstein loves him. isn't that what you did ten years ago? give this guy a free pass in return for a conviction? maybe we played this asshole to our advantage on the street, but you're the one who put him there. so, no offense, but you might wanna go fuck yourself a little. stay down! no way he's getting out of this neighborhood. keep sweeping the area, unit three. go house-to-house. check everything. * garages, dumpsters, storm drains. * yeah, we know. nick, we know. the body's been found. the pieces, anyway. call just came in. in some old shed on a farm outside * the city. about a hundred and fifty acre piece of property. benson clyde. you have the right to remain silent. understand your rights as i have explained them? you murdered two people. rupert ames and clarence darby. dunnigan. cut the shit. we know you did it. save everybody a lot of time and trouble and just confess. yes. whoa-whoa, nick, ease off! okay, enough. sit down! sit the fuck down! it's a steel cot! it's bolted to * the wall! * what do you have in mind? it's a little above my pay grade. who's william reynolds? special agent sam davies, nick price with the d.a.'s office! suspect will give us a gps mark! we'll advise you in the air! that is correct, agent davies. you think it was a bluff? * it used to be a sleep-matic adjustable bed. now it's not. love it when they cry wolf. miss lowell! lost something! he could have planted those bombs a month ago. maybe i got a better idea. maybe we end this war right now. fourteen people dead! i have to say * this out loud? prisoners die in custody all the time. attacking a guard. trying to escape. shit like that. don't tempt me. it's an option. all i'm saying. risk the blowback. ride it out. buys us another twelve hours, we could use that right now. that puts the deadline at. . about 7:30 tonight. until his deadline passes, you're in protective custody. not negotiable. this way, mr. cantrell. garza, you're with mr. price. it's the presidential suite. last person who stayed here was actually a president. of a country. security here is amazing. i'll try to wrangle additional * manpower. big job. * not entirely fair. dunnigan. nick? jesus. look. no hard feelings, but there is no "we." you're radioactive. i * can't even be seen talking to you. all units. subject vehicle is on the move. everybody maintain distance. hang back. hang back. five and six, stick with that building in case he's trying to cowboy us. all other units, stay with the van. what floor? i hope you know what the fuck you're doing. negative. we're letting him go. all units hang back. repeat. we are letting the subject go. what? c-4? * alert the mayor's security team. * evacuate those people upstairs -- * clear that ballroom, go! no? what the fuck are you talking about, this could go off any second! i will not take that risk! okay, nick. what's the move? i think the mayor will have your back.