dad? you know what it is? it's my birthdaaaaay! it's my birthday, it's my birthday, it's my birthday! i'm so cool it's my birthdaaay! why can't you be here? but it's. . my birthdaaaaay! okay. but what are you doing tonight that is more important than. my birthdaaaaay. and while we were singing karaoke, ashley was all dancing around and jumping up and down and suddenly she gets this look on her face. and suddenly she just went barf. total puke moment. and we were all like, ewwww gross! it was so funny. so tara says that's what you get for eating too much cake and that almost made ashley puke again. i'll get it! thank you! daddy? hi, sarah! daddy? i had a nightmare. that man. * daddy! mom said i could stay up late. wanna play scrabble? daddy? i wanna see sarah. this sucks. why do we have to go? you're kinda full of shit, dad. okay.