yes. yes, i can. i've seen the crime scene photos, mr. clyde. many times. they're horrifying. but they don't alter the facts of the case. this isn't about what we know. it's about what we can prove in court. look. we've had only one real break in this case. the fact that one asshole has decided to testify against the other asshole. mr. clyde. i can't claim to know what it's like to be in your position. losing your wife and child. but please try to grasp how limited our options are. this is how the justice system works. thank you, voice of doom. * we doing the right thing? it's your office. what do you think? you were top of your class at yale, don't give me that shit. clarence darby. this document guarantees that you will provide testimony against rupert ames in the matter of which you were both accused. in return, you will be shielded from further prosecution for those capital crimes. but you will plead guilty to the lesser charge of breaking and entering. you can always sue him. we don't do chair. we do needle. whoa, jonas, take my elbow. * you're shitty on stairs. at least let me take the leash so the dog doesn't pull you down. i'll pass. since everything in this case has gone sideways so far. tell your boy to save it for the courtroom. asshole. you good here? breaks the handshake with a flush of discomfort, signals the federal marshal: marshal, escort your man, please! mr. darby is done here! shit day. better now. how's she doing? she was busy? i had to say some things to a man today i didn't want to say. and i did something i didn't want to do. none of those things. you in there. listen up. your mother just said the world sucks. you may wanna rethink this whole thing. my advice? if you're asking? just stay in there. i promise you, nothing will ever make as much sense as it does right now. plus there's shit you don't need to know about. rap. internet porn. madonna's entire back catalog. okay. i'm sure you heard that. then again there are the beatles. 70's funk. louie. ella. be a shame to miss those. all right, kid. bring it on. but when you're old enough for the world to disappoint you, i hope you won't blame your old man for bringing you into this mess. give me that at least. huh? wha--? what? it's a work thing. grownup stuff. you know that happens sometimes. i believe we've established that. i let go, you'll stop reminding me? we'll celebrate this weekend. tonight is all about your friends. knock * yourselves out, don't give mom any * grief. i'll try to be home in time to tuck you in, okay? nice evasion. thanks. how long she have to wear this stupid thing? poor honey. sucks, doesn't it? but you're very pretty. yes, you are. even with a radar dish on your head. i don't know! what the fuck's going on? do something! clarence darby. that's what he said when he agreed to testify against the man we executed tonight. check the court transcripts, they're public record. how about i ride-along? give you a fast, accurate id on this guy? you said yourself we should move fast. this thing'll be all over the morning news cycle. we'd all look a lot better if we have the right man in custody by then. i think so. hard to tell. a shame? i can read a c.i. profile. what i see is an asshole dirty up to his ears in the drug trade. so you cops look the other way? he gets a free pass as long as he keeps feeding you convictions? i had my "ewwww gross" moment last night too. hey. i saw a guy's veins dissolve. oh, shit. we've gone national. my daughter is traumatized! she's * only ten! it's a goddamn snuff film! * in my home! * belonging to who? mr. clyde. well. i'm here. so? i think that's obvious. you murdered two people. rupert ames and clarence darby. clarence darby was found on your property. old abandoned shed? * how about video of you dismembering darby while he was still alive? you sick fuck, you sent it to my house! my daughter saw that video! it fucking traumatized her! she couldn't stop sobbing! we know you did it. you think you can play us? you gonna take me on? i'm gonna bury you, fucker! what? you're gonna confess. confession or not, we're gonna nail him on two counts of first-degree. kid gloves? he's a psycho with a power saw. no. okay. he got under my skin a little. that's done. background check's gotta be thorough, i want to know everything there is to know about this son of a bitch. get all the adas on it, tell 'em i better not see them sitting around on their asses or texting their pals. yeah, he was good. and hanson's * always reliable. but try to limit their hours, okay? fuck. i saw her bed empty. scared the shit out of me. don't know why. jesus. i know. shhh. we're all good. you're safe. nobody's gonna hurt you. filled to capacity. it has been for years. they had to re-open this for the overflow. part of it anyway. * for the record: you've waived legal counsel. you've offered to confess to the murders of clarence darby and rupert ames. yes? i know what lumpy means. sorry to hear it. but we're not here to talk about prison conditions, we're here to talk about things you've done. a bed. in your cell. you want the variable temperature control too? anybody? you looking to deal? all right, how's this? how about i don't kick your fucking teeth down your throat? sorry, jonas. okay, kid gloves. my daughter slept in our bed last night. she hasn't done that since she was six. you gave her nightmares. so excuse me if i don't feel like cutting any little deals today. this is bullshit. he's jerking our chain big-time. and the prison phones? i saw him die. that stuff burned his veins. he suffered terribly. let's move on to clarence darby. * very much. why? * it's a legitimate concern. my office types it up, you sign. you don't want to sign, don't sign. we've got you on videotape, we'll go to trial. in ten years, when your appeals are exhausted, i'll attend your execution. i'll make sure nobody tampers with the drugs. i've eaten there. so? * not gonna happen. because i have no interest in making it happen. and you have nothing left to bargain with. tell me. suspect says new jersey! across the state line! that makes it federal, that makes it you! i'll be in my office! please call me! we got a lot of people holding their breath on this! what do we have so far? * thanks. keep digging. agent davies? why do you have him in the dome? get judge burch on the phone. why'd you kill your cellmate? here's what i think. you suckered us in. you ordered that meal for the purpose of killing him. i see you totally disconnected from reality, that's what i see! thank you, judge burch. * consider your court order signed. freedom? not likely. in fact, you just bought a one room suite in the dungeon. very exclusive. you're doing everything wrong. making all the wrong moves. sam. i know you got hit hard. i know you're furious. but i'd like my shot at prosecuting this case. * this started with us. let me finish * it. give me that chance. * blowback? * you're insane. or what? let's keep him that way. strict rules apply. law says he gets one hour outside his cell a day, that's what he gets. just one, under heavy guard. the other twenty-three hours, he's in that cell, he's a ghost, he doesn't exist. no contact whatsoever. we underestimated him before. i'd like to know what this prick is capable of. update on the background check? that's it? nothing else unusual? * what kind of government work leaves a blank spot, sam? million miles away. sorry. yeah. i guess he is. it's. killing his cellmate. i need that to make sense. yeah, i know, but. we're not talking some gang-banger. this man is precise. does things for a reason. thanks. i'm a poor excuse, though. it's date night. you deserve better. just wish you'd picked another * restaurant. * sam? what is it? not far, maybe six blocks. i'm having dinner with my wife. he's coming here? yes. yes, we're all here. downstairs? okay. understood. he said not to take the elevator. what are we dealing with? what was clyde? some kind of spy? ask clyde? how good? yeah. tournament level in college, matter of fact. what about clyde? i have been. any thoughts? let me talk to mom first. sorry about date night. thing or two. hey, i was thinking. maybe you could pack an overnight bag for you and emma in case you need to. you know. spend the night in a hotel. or something. no reason. it's like a fire-drill thing. you know. in case. it's okay, baby -- i'm fine, i promise. go back to your game. nothing. i got paranoid for no reason, that's all. i'm fine now. i can't believe i let that son of a bitch clyde get to me like that. i'm sure we're fine. * ready to turn this place upside down? see if there's anybody locked up here -- or working here -- ex-cop, witness for the prosecution -- anybody who might have had anything to do with the original darby-ames case, or has any previous history with benson clyde. start with the cellmate. flag anything, no matter how insignificant it seems. well? what do you have? i want to see him. it was a good bluff. but you're done. fucking with my head. scaring * my family half to death. done. good night, ben. so far. now we double-down. make * absolutely certain. * * let them all sleep a few hours, * then bring 'em back for round two. * pries himself off the ground, stunned, looking around, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. he's disoriented, all sound muffled. smoke drifting. flames billowing. you're gonna be all right. medic! i need a medic! baby. listen. don't be worried or scared. but i want you to pack those overnight bags. i don't have time to explain now. just do it, okay? i'll call you back as soon as i can -- please, honey, i gotta go. he's got someone working with him. on the outside. he's got to. fuck you. if not? put the gun away! are you crazy? we're not risking anything. or letting him tear us down. you're not getting us to throw out the rules, like you. no way. what? what then? who? that's not helpful! we have fourteen * dead! you could ask them what he's capable of, but they're in no position to answer. no way. find a replacement. and have them switch the location of that dinner. exactly. he could have gotten your schedule in advance -- been planning to take you out at the dinner along with everybody else. that eenie- meenie act could have been horseshit. we have to get a few moves ahead. plan for every contingency. hey baby -- no, i'm fine. really. honey, calm down. our shit just hit the fan in a big way -- we're all over the news. yes, all eight died. sarah's in surgery right now. . they think so, but. . okay, i'll meet you there. love you. of course it has. thanks. any word? thank god. that's good. you didn't lose me. you won't. does the school know we're pulling emma out of class? you are. getting our daughter out of harm's way. and yourself. detective. will you escort my wife, please? there's not much time. i'll be there to see you off. okay? please? sarah's fine. that's the good news. royce. how much petty cash do we have in the safe? give it to me. and your cell phone. i need to borrow it for a few days. hey, hey. she's fine, don't be scared. that's not allowed. and there's no reason for it. i know. 'cause your mom wants to see a few broadway shows. you gonna begrudge her that? okay, you're right. maybe i am a little. but only a little. the part you can believe is that this is all going to be fine. sarah, us. i mean it. okay? no credit cards. too easy to track. meals, hotel, whatever -- pay cash. i'll keep this. it can be traced. use this one instead. don't answer unless you see it's me. * i love you. jesus. * i'm telling you, clyde has someone * working with him. someone on the outside. somebody from his past. could be * that spook we met on the stairs, * for all we know -- he'd know how to * plant this shit. to fuck with our heads? to get us to bring in our adas so he could blow them up? jonas, think -- last few days, have * you used any ice? any salt? before or after he was arrested? holy shit. the background check my office was compiling -- these properties we * think clyde owns? if he is working * with somebody, they could be * operating out of any of these. we * should check them. * it's not even complete. sarah was * in the middle of it -- untangling property ownership from under assumed names, shell companies. she's the expert on all that. save it for tonight. hope you're in the mood for chinese takeout. that stuff in your house -- it's all gone too far. i started this. i owe everybody at least one last try at defusing it. i thought we'd have some privacy. be the perfect place for it. outside the wall. look like you were shot trying to escape. something like that. no. it's to prove a point. just because i have the power, doesn't mean i have to use it. one can show mercy. yeah. so why don't you? don't give me that. death doesn't scare you. until one side admits defeat. what if i did that? what if i said. . you were right. i was wrong. what if i say i should have prosecuted both men ten years ago? i'd have lost. yeah. she is? great news. i'll stop on my way back. and royce? put some get- well flowers in her room, they sell 'em in the lobby. thanks. six hours in surgery. you asking that question makes me want to scratch my nose. no? what kind are you? yeah. i can't. i can't imagine that. * i won't make any more deals with murderers. if hearing that makes a difference. if that was the point of all this. you've won. hey. how you doing? i'm afraid so. you're alive. that counts for a * lot. * * i'm sorry i put you in harm's way. * we're all over it. jonas is safe -- * out of reach. * yes, you pain in the ass, of course i got your kung-pao. you think i'd forget. just don't give betsy any, i can't deal with dog farts all night. i'm minutes away. relax. the second explosion. i saw a rocket * fired. * clyde does have somebody on the outside. it was. inside the dog? i'm trying to get over my friend being dead. aside from that, fuck you. didn't bring your family back, though, did it? has it made you feel better? all this? you done making your point? sarah. give it a rest. it's over. we're done. i'm done. the mayor is nailing my coffin shut. the best thing you can do right now is distance yourself from me as much as you can -- see what you can salvage of your career. "joe's lube-and-drive garage." went out of business in '94. now why would joe's extinct lube- and-shit garage be of the slightest possible fucking interest to you, me, or anyone? do we finish this tonight? i know who he's got on the outside. i'll ask again. do we finish this tonight? where the hell is he going? you don't suppose nomos custodial * has a service contract with city hall, do you? that's right below the ballroom. the mayor's event. no. let him go. we know where to find him. let's get to that courtroom. there. can you open it? disarm it? no! he won't set it off until that room is full! people are still arriving, red carpet shit, that's at least another half hour! you have to! if i'm him, i've rigged cameras in that ballroom -- live video feed -- first sign of an evacuation, i trigger the bomb. we have to think ahead of this fuck! i came to talk. guess who wasn't in his cell? imagine my surprise. beautiful how you played us. getting yourself tossed into solitary -- * pre-rigged with exits from all five * cells. whichever one we put you in, you had your bases covered. i thought i was such a bad-ass putting you down here. turns out i was doing what you wanted. been thinking. if i'd done things differently -- made different decisions from the start -- we wouldn't have gotten to this point. here we are. your decisions put us here too. this mess is on both of us. * we can't change decisions we've made. we can only account for decisions we make from here. i know what mine will be. what about you? you gonna finish dialing that number, or what? you looking to deal? okay, here's the deal. the deal is. there is no deal. i told you. no more deals with murderers. i'm sticking to that. that's my decision. it's what you * taught me. strange as it sounds, * i'm grateful for the lesson. * your turn. you make the right decision, i'll see what i can do for you. but the wrong decision is one you'll have to live with the rest of your life. me too. because like i said, it's a decision you'll have to live with the rest of your life. which at this point i figure is. . another 35 seconds. check mate.