peter that's right. are you still at icm? that's great. say hello to mike for me. that's a beautiful dress, debbie, and those are fabulous earrings, sheila. thanks a lot. i didn't actually write it, i just got the credit. i was fired. can i talk to you for a moment? this is the last time. promise. i just need some cash tonight. i lost my credit cards. the money'll be on your desk first thing tomorrow morning, scout's honor. how's the new one coming along? i here you got richard gere. yes, that's fine. i'll messenger it over to you tomorrow. i'll think about it. yeah, but what's the back end like? by the time we're through with p and a, the above-the line is going to take it to about fifteen and with something like this. i don't know if disney will go for it. can i call you back on this? ok. chow for now. good morning. i'm fantastic, but i gotta go out now. very important meeting, could make a coupla million for the company. what? this is to generous peter. sure thing. and i'm sorry. i thought i might move out to las vegas. the bars never close. beautiful, no just the shape which is nice, but the whole walk, the feeling, the movement. this girl is pleased with herself. maybe this is the only art i can appreciate. i don't know if this is good or bad, but right now she is really beautiful. when i was a boy it would have been really important that she have a pretty face, to go with this body, i mean. i still would like to see her face, but her beauty is no dependent on her face. i wonder what kind of panties she's wearing. shit, that's too specific, but. on the other hand, you can never be too specific. but then, the infinitesimal must be, by definition, as infinite as the infinite. god, she's so young. hi. hey, brad. how's it going? what did they look like? how'd this happen? the news is not good, kid. this bit here. see there. it's broken. you need a new one. i don't know. i'll find out though. good evening. i'm benjamin. ben. i'll get you another one. and me too. mind if i join you? but of course. why don't we finish these and go to my apartment on the beach? we can watch a movie and i'll mix you up a gooey blender drink. i really wish that you'd come home with me. you're so cute and i'm really good in bed. believe me. you smell good too. no, ok. maybe i shouldn't breathe so much, teri. ha. ha. would you. ? yes, i heard, and it's not a problem. what are my choices? no alcohol? what do you think i should get? noooo. no. no. no. water? water. just how much would it cost for you to eighty-six me? could i have fives please? keep one for yourself. to me nothing is more beautiful than the relationship between the reflection of a woman and the woman who has created it. good evening. i'll give you a hundred dollars for a straight forty- five minutes. you get the room. ok. but only because i think that the concept of surrender fits in with the big picture right now. how about over there? i canremember. if mywifeleffme. or illeff her. bufuckittanyway. you couldn't cash it just like it is? well. to tell you the truth, i'm a little shaky right now. i just had a brain surgery. why don't i come back after lunch, when i'm feeling a little better? we can take care of it then. i think, when i'm done with this, i'll have gin and tonic. bombay gin and tonic. i understand what you're saying. i appreciate your concern. its not my intention to make you uncomfortable. please. serve me today and i will never come in here again. if i do, you can eighty-six me. are you desirable? are you irresistible? maybe if you drank bourbon with me, it would help. maybe if you kissed me and i could taste the sting in your mouth, it would help. if you drank bourbon with me naked. if you smelled of bourbon as you fucked me, it would help. it would increase my esteem for you. if you poured bourbon on to your naked body and said to me. drink this. if you spread your legs and had bourbon dripping from your breasts and you vagina and said drink here. then i could fall in love with you, because then i would have a purpose, to clean you up, and that would prove that i'm worth something. id lick you clean so you could go away and fuck someone else. i'm back, i've got my check. and baby. i'm ready to sign. there. steady as a fucking rock, excuse my french. wanna have dinner with me? hello! are you working? that's funny. i wonder if you'll take two hundred and fifty dollars to fuck me? that is, if you'll come to my room for an hour, i will give you five hundred dollars. not really. my room's not far. the whole year inn. you can drive with me if you want. or we can walk. or i'll give you cab fare. whatever you want. i'm ben. sarah - with an h? we can go to one if you'd prefer. well. i'm here because i'm a drunk who tends to pass out at odd hours for unpredictable stretches. i'm going to a hotel soon. a room with a balcony to pass out on. or off. right, i'll get your door. i tend to fade in and out lately. you what? oh. well, maybe we better synchronize our spells. or stagger them. do you think so? of course. want a drink? i'm having one. of course. maybe another drink first. more tequila? i don't care about that. there's time left. you can have more money. you can drink all you want. you can talk or listen. just stay, that's all i want. no, i came here to drink. myself. you know. yes, that's right. i cashed in all of my money, paid my amex card, gonna sell the car tomorrow. i think about four weeks, and i've got enough for about two hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars a day. yeah. and your meter just ran out. in la i kept running out of booze and the store would be closed because i'd forget to look at my watch. so i decided to move here because nothing ever closes and because i got tired of getting funny looks when i would walk into a bar at six o'clock. even the bartenders started preaching. here, everyone's from out of town so no one cares, no one is overtly fucking up i couldn't remember what happened last time. i was afraid that i might have been rude, or mean to you. if i was i'm sorry. i sold it this morning. i'm going to take cabs from now on in. don't run away. i was looking for you tonight. i don't know if you have a boyfriend. or a girlfriend, but if you have some free time. maybe we could have dinner. i think you know i'm serious. i'll pay you if you like. but i'd like to see you. no thanks. i'm fine. yes. you do? this is the home of an angel. yes. take your time. i'm fine. of course. wow. you look extremely beautiful. don't know. my watch went the way of the car. i'm rambling. i really like you. you make me want to talk. i don't know what time it is. do they have drinks? is that really what you want to ask me? well, then i guess this is our first date. or our last. until now, i wasn't sure it was either. interesting choice of words. i don't remember. i just know that i want to. or killing myself as a way to drink. we'll talk about it some other time maybe. ok? what are you thinking? are you angry with me? that's astonishing. sera, look. i'm going to move to a smart hotel, tomorrow if it'll make you feel better. let's talk about tomorrow. wanna do something? sera. you know i'm not much good in the sack. how long have i been her? i don't know. i'll go and sort it out today. why don't you come?. we'll find a real room for me. you can pick it out, a tower on the strip. what do you mean? sera. me neither. sera you are crazy. don't you think you'll get a little bored living with a drunk? you haven't seen the worst of it. these last few days i've been very controlled. i knock things over. i throw up all the time. now i feel really good. you're like some kind of antidote that mixes the liquor and keeps me in balance, but that won't last forever. you'll get tired of it really quickly. believe me. don't be silly? sera. what you don't understand is. you can never. never. ask me to stop drinking. do you understand? maybe this isn't a good idea after all. listen, angel. the thing is that i'm nuts about you and this is a bad thing. because my real plan is to die here and you were never even part of my plan. but like i said, i'm nuts about you. wait a minute, i have an idea, angel. hi! right. ok. of course. i used to carry a lot of keys, but one by one they all fell victim to the great condensation. now i have just this one. which is. sorry. i was miles away. ah. more gifts. i have to sit down for this. sera, i love that name. s.e.r.a. before we proceed onwards, there is something i need to say. ok? i've come this far. here i am, in your house. i want you to let me pay the rent for this month. all right? because. it's better for me that way. ok? sera. i hope that you understand how i feel about this. first of all, you're welcome to my money. we can buy a couple of cases of liquor and you can have the rest. but i don't think you're talking to me right now about money. no. i think you're talking about you. i'll tell you right now that i'm in love with you. but, be that as it may, i'm not here to force my twisted life into your soul. and i'm not here to demand your attention to the point where it changes your life. we know i'm a drunk. but that seems to be all right with you. and i know that you're a hooker. i hope you understand that i'm a person who is totally at ease with this. which is not to say that i'm indifferent or that i don't care. i do. it simply means that i trust and accept your judgement. what i'm saying is. that i hope you understand that i understand. ah, yes. i suppose sooner or later we ought to fuck. very nice. this should work very nicely with my suit, which, by the way, is the only item of clothing i brought over from the motel with me. i threw them into the garbage., which was perhaps immoral, but i wanted to come to you clean, so to speak. i thought we could go shopping and pick up a pair of jeans and forty-five pairs of underwear and just throw them out each day. well. looks like i'm with the right girl. i must say that i'm very impressed that you would buy this for me. i know you wouldn't do this without thinking about it. funny. you did just what i would have done. i'm going to fill it right now. i hadn't planned to gamble. but if you would keep the bulk of my money here, then i could safely blow a couple of hundred bucks. giving you money makes me want to come. when? i like your earrings. i like women who wear mismatched earrings. what do you mean? and i only have eyes for you. and we both know that you would never become romantically involved with a trick, right? very well. umm. i never expected to have to ask you this again. but how did our evening go? i remember getting to the casino. i remember kissing you. that was really nice but everything after that is a blank. oh, and what did you do? that's impressive. how did you do that? we? what happened then? i warned you. . but i'm sorry. that's amazing. what are you? some sort of angel visiting me from one of my drunk fantasies? how can you be so good? why don't you go back to sleep. i'll go out and buy us some breakfast. don't worry. i know. a beer and a double kamikaze please. not quite yet. first i have to drink myself sober, then. a few crackers, maybe an egg and toast. then i'll go home with the groceries and we'll have breakfast together, and that'll make her feel better about my condition. do you mind if i buy her a drink? maybe i could buy you both a drink? barman? a rum and coke, please. you mean move in with me? isn't this a bit sudden? i don't think my wife would dig it too much. see, the thing is. fucking you would be wonderful, but i am deeply in love with sera. and it's almost impossible for me to imagine being with someone else. i'm sorry. but she and i have decided to spend a few hours together in a mo - i'm back. absolutely not. ow. i was defending the honor of some poor wayward maiden. ok, but remember that they wear it because they have to. i wear it because i want to. that'll make me look different. let's get a drink. there was no time for me to write a card, with you breathing down my neck all day., so you'll just have to wing it, baby. open it. i think you should wear one at a time. one of these. and one of your others. in fact, i was going to buy just one, but i didn't think it would fly. as a gift, i mean. yes. tonight. put it on. you'll be able to feel it, sharp and hot under your ear, as one of the brothers is driving your head, face down into one of the penthouse pillows. why? can we just forget it? can we just ignore it? please! thank you, sera. no. we already talked about that. wow. maybe i should follow you around and ask one of your tricks what it's like to sleep with you. you be careful to. i'm going to miss you. yeah. i'd like that. last spring i happened to walk past a house that i had once patronized. there was a cool breeze blowing off the ocean and through the window i could see a bare leg. the girl must have been taking a break between customers. it was a strange moment for me because it reminded me of my mother and despite the fact that i was late for something already i just stayed there, loving the atmosphere of it and my memory and. the reason i'm telling you this epilogue is that i felt that i'd come full circle. fifth and mayflower. you know it? i like it here with you. i didn't know i'd ever need it again. take this off. whoops. i'll go and clean up. perhaps you could take care of this. sera? i think i'm ready for the rice! sera. i'm not going to see a doctor. maybe it's time i moved to a hotel. will you lighten up, please? i'd like to fuck you. how much to lick your pussy? hello. yes. i guess i knew that. perhaps i could crash on the couch for a few hours. and then i'll leave. i wanted to see you. i wanted to see you. you're my angel. i'm sorry i put us asunder. see how hard you make me angel. you know i love you. yeah? oh. i'm so sorry.