i can't tell you. i didn't do it! i walked in, saw my husband lying on the floor, bent down to check his heart, screamed my head off and chutney and enrique ran inside. why would i kill my husband? then show them a picture of his cock. they might put a few things together. i can't give you that. and if you put me on the stand, i'll lie. go to hell. are we done for today? hey -- i know you. well, thank god one of you has a brain. i ' m glad it's you and not donovan. he better be, for what i ' m paying him. elle pushes her basket forward. you're an angel. elle squirms in her seat. elle, i can't. you don't understand. it's so shameful. that's just it -- it would ruin me! i have made my fortune on my ability to teach women how to perfect their bodies with the brooke's butt buster workout. on the day of heyworth's murder, i was -- she snorts back a sob. -- getting liposuction. elle gasps. i ' m a fraud! but it's not like normal people can have this ass! if my fans knew, i ' d lose everything. i've already lost my husband. i rather be in jail then lose my reputation! i'm not having an affair with enrique -- you know a delta gamma would never sleep with a man who wears a thong! i just liked watching him bend over to clean the f i lt e r -- what's going on? he did leave a cher tape in the pool house once -- donovan scoffs. is he always such an ass? he thinks i ' m guilty, doesn't he? to me it is. he doesn't trust me. why should i trust him? emmett thinks for a moment. then looks at brooke. get up. you're fired. i have new representation. i don't think you heard me. you're fired. she's my lawyer. absolutely. as donovan sits, margot leans over. because she is brilliant.