there's your office, there's the bathroom, there's the coffee machine. there's gerard, dick and1bobby. they're the other associates on the case. ask them all your stupid questions, save the smart ones for me. what alibi? where they saw you standing over the body covered in his blood. she glares at him. insurance? a love affair? pure unadulterated hatred? believe me, the da will come up with plenty of reasons. were you with another man? i'll take that as a no. i believe we are. he stands. as do his minions. as they file out, brooke sees elle. did she have a weapon in her hand? was there any reason for you to believe she had discarded a weapon? was there any evidence that mrs . windham shot him? what did you see when you entered the house? was she carrying a weapon? so she was distraught that her husband was dead? chutney has a trust fund. she didn't need the insurance payoff or the inheritance. covered. she was in aspen at the time. ten people saw her downing cosmopolitans at the caribou club. that's touching, elle, but we need an alibi. elle thinks about this. we've got two interviews tomorrow that dick and bobby are gonna handle, and the ex-wife in an hour. he looks up. sarah, can you grab me some coffee? and according to this communique from the prison, our client apparently had a visit fr om her sister? a miss delta gamma -- he looks at elle. anyone you know? did you get it? why the hell not? fuck sisterhood. this is a murder trial, not some scandal at the sorority house. i want the alibi. someone reason with her while i take this. the ex-wife seems to be unconcerned with the fact that her interview is today. she's at a spa in the berkshires. go with her. objection -- what are you talking about? while i appreciate your masterful legal theory, i have a murder trial to attend to. he grabs emmett's arm and pulls him aside as they confer on more serious matters. emmett looks at her as if to say "sorry", before he looks back at donovan. brooke looks at donovan, then back at elle, rolling her eyes. elle sits down, pissed. warner is next to her. mr. salvatore, do you have any proof that you and mrs. windham were having an affair? if that's all the proof that he has, your honor, i think i'm done here. emmett stands. good work today, ms. woods. come on in. sit down. you followed your intuition today and you . were right on target. i should"ve listened. ab ou t the alibi -- she sighs, i ' m impressed that you took the initiative to go there and get it. that's what makes a good lawyer. and on top of that, you gained the client's trust and kept it. that' s what makes a great lawyer. you're smart, elle. smarter than . most of the guys i have on my payroll. elle is overwhelmed by his praise. i think it's time discuss your career path. have you thought about where you might be a summer associate? you know what competition is really about, don't you? eager for his knowledge, elle is on the edge of her seat. he leans in. it's about ferocity. carnage. balancing human intelligence with animal diligence. knowing exactly what you want and how far you'll go to get it. how far will elle go? as he says the last sentence, he slides his hand up her you're a beautiful girl, elle. i ' m a man who knows what i want. elle rises, stung. she stares at him for a beat. too bad. i thought you were a law student who wanted to be a lawyer. keep that bitch away from me. not brooke. elle. what're you so happy about? you're on trial for murder. what? who? the door of the courtroom bangs open and elle strides in, dressed in a prada mini-dress, underdog in her purse. she blows a bubble, lets it pop, then sets her briefcase down next to donovan's. she's a law student. she can't defend you. dorky david steps up, holding out a marked casebook. you're not going up there. i do. i'm not allowing it. that, i won't agree to. enjoy prison.