p h.d from berkeley in women's studies-- emphasis in the history of combat. and last year, i led the march for lesbians against drunk driving. maybe there's a sorority you could join instead. elle stops and looks at her. before you voted against me and called me a dyke behind my back? the english language is all about subliminal domination. take the word "semester". it's a perfect example of this school's discriminatory preference of semen to ovaries. that's why i ' m petitioning to have next term be referred to as winter ovester. hey , elle-- i've been meaning to ask you -- are those real? i give her two more weeks. because the rest of us provide some worthwhile value to society? the competition must not have been that ' stiff. hey! watch your hands, mr.grabass. women like that will screw anything. why you? and subscribe to the doctrine of self- hatred imposed upon my gender by male delusions of the way women are supposed to look? . twice. even though you knew your shit today -- you're still a product of the patriarchy and a creation of the male-dominated media. and so are your friends. although -- you're kinda hot. call me.