bad day? spill., after you went to all that trouble? you're asking the wrong girl. i ' m with my guy eight years and then one day it's "i met someone else. move out." cried a lot and gained twenty pounds. dewey kept the trailer and my precious baby rufus. i got jackcrap. she looks at a picture of the pit-bull. i didn't even get to go to his birthday party. so, what's this sarah got that you don't? three tits? - is she as pretty as you? elle looks down. could i be anymore goddamn spastic? so you're sure, this warner guy is "the one"? if a girl like you can't hold on to her man -- then there sure as hell isn't any hope for the rest of us. what're you waiting for? steal the bastard back. you showed up warner in class? you're supposed to be showing up sarah. i just -- god, that felt great! and now mommy's got somebody to eat dinner with again. you don't care what mommy's butt looks like, do you? elle looks over at paulette, heart going out to her. it's him! paulette smooths down her hair. no. sometimes i say "okay" instead of "fine". what's the point? look at me. good one. bend. and snap! i t ' s a spastic version of what elle just did. oh my god! i think he noticed me, elle -- but only because i maimed him! and after they set his nose, he came back for his truck and i offered to drive for him since he was still on pain-killers and we spent the whole afternoon together! he was unconscious for part of it, but it was really fun! how'd it go at the trial? of course i can believe it. you're going to make a great lawyer. elle, you've changed my life. you are the kindest, most wonderful angel. without you, i wouldn't have rufus or a dinner date. now go and share your goodness with the world while i stay here and have my hoo-hoo waxed. you can't go home!