i should warn you that in addition to competing against each other for the top grade in this class, you'll also be competing for one of my firm's highly coveted four internship spots next year where you will get to assist on actual cases. let the bloodbath begin. now, let's commence with our usual torture -- he looks around. ms . woods -- why not? dare to dream, ms. woods. ms. knottingham? which would you prefer? yes? ms. woods? and the purpose of "diminished capacity" is? she swallows nervously, then speaks. now you're thinking like a lawyer. ms. woods? sarah looks at claire. why do you ask? i believe you've just won your case. you did well today. you're applying for my internship, aren't you? you should. do you have a resume? it's pink. you think she just woke up one morning and said, "i think i'll go to law school today!"? ei timett looks after elle, bemused. we're defending brooke windham, whose very wealthy husband was found shot to death in their beacon hill mansion. you'd think so, since the stiff was sixty, but she was rich on her own. some kind of fitness empire. you can buy her exercise tapes on infomercials. elle frowns. m a i d e n name--daniels. you know her? amazing how? well, in all likelihood, she's completely guilty as well. she was seen standing over her husband's dead body. his twenty-seven year old daughter and the pool boy. you don't really believe she's innocent?