you're beautiful. you ready? the reason i wanted to come here tonight was to discuss our future. elle is on the edge of her seat. i mean, we're having a lot of fun now -- but things are gonna be different when i ' m at harvard law school is a completely different world. i need to be serious. my family expects a lot from me. and i expect a lot from me. i .plan on running for office some day. t hat 's why i think it's time for us to-- elle takes a deep breath, filled with anticipation. i think we should break up. elle's champagne glass drops from her hand and crashes onto the patio. i ' m sorry, elle, i just -- proposing?! elle, if i ' m going to be a politician, i need to marry a jackie, not a -- marilyn. t hat' s not entirely -- i do love you, elle. i just can't marry you. you have no idea the pressure i ' m under. my family has five generations of senators. my brother is in the top three at yale law. he just got engaged to a vanderbilt, for crissakes. elle stares at him aghast, tears streaming down her face, then pushes her chair away from the table and walks out. it's not like i have a choice, sweetheart c'mon. let me take you home. elle -- it's twenty miles back to campus. elle stops, thinks a minute, then gets in, still crying. catching her poofy little purse in the door. she re-opens i t, yanking the purse back in. warner pulls out. elle, believe me, i never expected to be doing this, but i think it's the right thing to do. east coast people are different. i told you, elle. i need someone -- serious. i ' m sorry. she gets out of the car and drags herself up the stairs to her sorority house. when she's at the top, she turns back to look at him. his perfect cheekbones highlighted by the streetlamp. he meets her eyes, pained, but determined. then pulls away, leaving her there. elle?! what're you talking about? you're not here to see me? you go where? v- y -- y ou g o t in to ha rv a rd l aw ? uh -- sure. she sashays off with a confident smile. hey. s o -- uh -- how was your first class? urn, hey, have you met sarah? she 's -- sarah was my girlfriend at prep school. we got back together over the summer at my grandmother's birthday party. i didn't know -- elle, what're you doing here? elle pulls up a chair from another table and holds up a muffin. ' come on ~ we can make room for one more. sarah looks at warner with evil eyes. he tried to watch me take'a shower! sarah looks at elle. wow. you're a walking felony. now i am. that's because i spend all my time with case studies and hypos. elle, c'mon, there's no way you'll get the grades to qualify for one of those spots . you're not smart enough. she can't believe he's saying this. he realizes he's gone too far, and back-pedals. i didn't mean -- we ll , yeah, but -- i just don't want to see you get your hopes up. you know how you get. she stares at him. realizing the awful truth. according to swinney v. neubert, swinney, who was also a private sperm donor, was allowed visitation rights as long as he came to terms with the hours set forth by the parents. so, if we're sticking to past precedent, mr. latimer wasn't st al ki ng -- he was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation. but , without this man's sperm --the child in question would not exist. you look -- nice. what about the murder weapon? if you tell him, you'll probably make summer associate. who cares.about brooke? think about yourself. pink ones. how was i supposed to know what kind of shoes you had on? she looks at him like he's a complete idiot, as the judge takes his seat. you were amazing today. she turns and finds warner. it made me realize something. i ' m an idiot. i want to be with you, elle. forever. he pulls her close, hand around her waist, kissing her. she looks up at him, a trace of the old love in her eyes. for a moment, she melts. are you serious?