you okay, jeep? jeep turns to see charlie, a very pregnant girl of about twenty, standing in the trailer doorway, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. even with the trailer-trash veneer, she's strikingly beautiful. (stepping out of the trailer, hands on her another bad dream? he struggles for a moment, nods. it's just stress, jeep, that's all. you do too much worryin'. about this place. about your dad. see what i mean? you're worried about a girl eight months pregnant and it isn't even your baby. now that's enough to give anybody nightmares. jeep turns away, dejected. c'mon, i was only kiddin'. you know how much i appreciate everything you and bob are doing for me, but a month from now, this baby'll have a new family and i'll have to start thinkin' about what the hell i'm doin' with my life. this is not news jeep wants to hear. jeep, i'm not ready to be a mama. christ, i can barely take care of myself as it is. you gotta stop carryin' the weight of the world on your shoulders. jeep nods, tries to hide the fact that he's dying inside. now can we go back in? i'm freezing my ass off out here. guess i should think `bout quittin' then. you can buy a whole pack inside. only if nowhere's right, `cause that's where you are. bob'll probably let you use the diner phone if you ask him real nice. and pay `im somethin'. yeah, we got a buttermilk stack for three seventy-five. we also got french toast for four dollars if you're into that. i personally like the pancakes though. yeah, i'm okay. this guy's just lost. jeep nods, uncertain, eyes kyle another moment, then he shuffles along out of sight. charlie brings the cigarette back up to her lips. an awkward beat. i hope salem lights are okay, `cause that's all we got left. bob, do you see where am i right now? can my condition really get any worse? `sides, you ain't one to talk. yeah, so why you still carryin' that fancy lighter `round for? that's for sure. where do i start? yeah, in the fifties. don't look like a test. percy's right. i didn't feel nothing. have a seat wherever you want, ma'am. specials are on the board. okay, what'll it be? and how'd you like that cooked? coming right up. yeah. so they say. i'll be right back with your water. the old lady turns to the andersons. just about there. i wouldn't know. out of sight. out of mind. nope. gladys starts to dig in to the steak with a real ferociousness you wouldn't expect from an old lady. more flies begin to land on her body. on her food. charlie is still trying to wave them away. no, i prefer it that way. i don't a need a man tellin' me what to do. i've got it under control. what did you just say? go to hell, lady. she slaps the check down on the table and walks back toward the kitchen, passing jeep and bob. total fucking jesus freak. gladys begins to laugh innocently as she continues to devour her meat. red juice drips down her chin. the flies are swarming now. how did so many get in here? sandra and howard are mortified at this sudden turn of events. (nods, peakish, to oh, thank god, the police! we don't know anything. nothing's working here. the tv, the radio, the phone. michael just shakes his head. let `em go! michael's eyes flit momentarily in charlie's direction. considering her. the diner door opens and percy steps cautiously out with hand and hook held up to show no threat. he's followed by sandra and audrey. michael sees them, but offers no indication that he cares. thanks. he brings them here and then he saves us from them? you're a genius, bob. bob falls silent, confounded. audrey hesitantly approaches michael. me?! why me?! no way! but michael isn't joking and charlie's laughter becomes genuine fear. go fuck yourself, bob! look, this is not possible! i'm just a waitress! i'm nobody! i can't give birth to the savior of mankind! i don't even own a car! that can't be. i'm only eight months pregnant. it's coming soon, isn't it? michael nods. charlie sways on her feet. jeep rests a hand on her shoulder, steadying her. with a clank michael re-arms his weapon, turns to the group with finality. percy? he takes a step forward, then falls to ground. the entire back side of his body is gone. burned away. that can't be more than an hour up the highway from here. hey. jeep sees the strain on her face. you mean besides the fact that i just found out that i'm the mother of the messiah? jeep smiles, nods. crazy thing is. i didn't want this baby. i even went down to the clinic, you know that? i remember sitting there in the waiting room, absolutely sure i was doin' the right thing. and that's when the feeling started. like i was falling into the deepest, darkest hole imaginable. i couldn't breathe, i couldn't speak. i kept thinking this must be what death is like. and when finally they called my name, i ran. how come you have so much faith in me, jeep? god knows i've never given you or anybody else a reason to. or is it that you just can't find any other hard-luck case to follow around? jeep's face hardens. he gets up. hurt. frustrated. we have to get `im back in here! bob springs into action. pushes the booth away from the front door. the sound of a gun cocking. bob looks over to see michael pointing a gun at his head. oh, no. audrey. out the window they see audrey drop down from the roof and run towards kyle. do you have no heart?! she's just a kid! but he's immovable. you can't let her die! (grabbing a gun from the michael! i'll get some water! charlie dashes behind the counter to the sink. she fills up a pitcher of water. she turns away from the sink with the filled pitcher. and screams! the young boy with the lifeless white eyes stands before her wielding an enormous butcher's knife. the pitcher shatters loudly on the floor. the boy swings the knife at her, slicing open the waitress outfit covering her pregnant belly. charlie tumbles back to the ground behind the counter. she frantically pushes herself away from the approaching boy. where is he?! that's when the electricity goes out once again, plunging the oh, no! michael lowers his flashlight. clear fluid runs down charlie's legs. i don't. i. audrey looks to michael, unsure. so are we safe now? is it over? and what happens until then? what makes you think i can do that? what makes you think i want to do that? if he's so important, why don't you take him? what's he talking about? the baby cries louder. michael, what the hell's he talking about?! audrey? audrey moves to hand over the baby to charlie. give him to me! no. i. sandra is almost to the front door. wait! we can't leave him! come on, jeep! is this what i think it is? jeep, your arm! jeep sees it, eyes go wide. what is it? a beat, as jeep remembers michael's parting words. the swarm, it's fading! jeep looks back to the road as, sure enough, the fly swarm suddenly dissipates all around them, revealing a clear view of the highway ahead. jeep knows at what price this good fortune has come. look, i'm sorry for what i said to you earlier, `bout you following me around. i didn't mean it. c'mon, jeep! jeep! she kicks open her door and begins pulling him out. alive. nothing could have survived that. she saved us, jeep. audrey saved us. now c'mon, we gotta go! charlie, the baby bundled in her hands, leads jeep away from the demolished cruiser. how can this happen? how can this happen in a world so beautiful? jeep follows her gaze to the sky. endless stars. confounding. jeep shifts his eyes to the top of the ridge just ahead. stop! please! don't kill him! but gabriel is doing just that. jeep is rapidly losing consciousness. the battle is lost. stop it! i'll give you the baby! this gets gabriel's attention. charlie climbs to her feet, holding the bloody bundle out to him. i don't want this responsibility! tears run down her face. she's dead fucking serious. gabriel lets go of jeep. he falls to the ground, gasping desperately for air. yep, we sure did. and now we see it too: what if we're on our own now?