jesus. you know burton, i'm so happy we get to share beautiful moments like this. they really brighten my da-- kaboom! through the windshield, we see a storefront explode just ahead, raining fiery debris onto the squad car. burton slams on the breaks and the cops look up just in time to see. freeze! estevez and burton are already out of the squad car, crouching behind the open doors, guns trained on michael. drop the bags! hands on your head! in the distance, the pop-pop of gunfire. the police radio crackles with urgent chatter. many voices talking at once. "shots fired. code three. officer down!" the cops shift about nervously, trying to stay focused. hands on your head! on your head! michael slowly places his palms on his skull. take the shot, burton! burton!? the street lamps begin to flicker and strobe, adding to the confusion. burton squeezes his eyes shut in pain, his whole body quaking, heels clicking the pavement, as if some massive pressure were building inside him. and with the horrific sound of cracking bones, burton's mouth what did you say? michael, however, seems to know exactly who he's talking to. burton, you fuckin' know this guy?! blam! burton shoots his partner in the head. estevez drops, leaving michael without cover. burton re-aims, but michael's faster, already firing back. bullets rip up the concrete. smash! the squad car window shatters, burton's chest exploding!