jeep is buried under the uhaul's hood, working at something with a socket wrench. it's not going well. kyle, percy, sandra and audrey frantically carry howard, his neck bandaged, to the back of the escalade. the possessed move in from all sides, but kyle is remarkably agile, dropping one after another in a stunning display. he closes in on the family, blasting back the creatures huddled around them. he finds the young boy curled up with his hands protectively covering his face. kyle swoops down and gathers the boy into his arms. the young boy stands over kyle, silently watching the life drain from his body. the boy looks up to see audrey approaching fast. tears suddenly appear in his eyes. he opens his arms pleadingly to her. drifting through the dark shapes as the baby's cries reverberate up and down the ranks. they begin to look about frantically, agitated by the sound. some even begin to back away from the diner. burning wreckage everywhere. drifting through it until we settle on the spike-scepter stuck firmly in the ground. flames ring the handle.