unlike you. the rebellious son. pity about your wings. they would have helped you now. you think you can defy him and not pay the price? yours is a fool's sacrifice. you can help them sneak out the back door, but they won't escape. there is no other way. he pulls back from michael, raising the mace -- sching! -- long deadly sharp spikes bursts from all its sides. as if it wasn't bad-ass enough. and the fight begins. you always wanted to live like one of them. now you'll know how it feels to die like one of them. gabriel raises the mighty mace above his head. michael closes his eyes. submitting. the mace comes swinging down. so brave. so pointless. you should have worried more about saving yourself. jeep's feet dangle. his eyes bulge out. he claws at gabriel's iron-fast grip, but there's no hope. charlie watches in horror. go to sleep. jeep's eyes flutter. he's almost gone. "and as the child's cries are extinguished, an eternal darkness at last descended upon the world." he peels the cloth back, revealing.