percy and charlie are tending to howard. sandra is holding her husband's hand, trying to comfort him, while audrey watches from a distance with grim fascination. charlie's face lights up when she sees the police car. jeep faces the boarded up front door, awkwardly holding the mp5, trying to assume a tough guy posture. if only he could stop shaking, it might be believable. charlie and audrey peer between the slats covering the windows. the ice cream truck's headlights fan across the diner. audrey and charlie back away from the windows. charlie stops next to jeep. senses him shaking. rests a hand on his arm. and that seems to help. a little. howard smiles weakly at the familiar sound of the calliope. on charlie staring at the window. closer. charlie's eyes go wide as -- smash! a dark shape crashes through the window. glass, sand and dust swirl in. audrey and sandra scream. charlie springs up from her hiding place, gun ready. jeep spins around, pointing his gun, searching frantically for the intruder. it's so dark! only a few more inches separate charlie and certain death through the window. jeep's losing her! sandra awakens with a start. the group gathered at the window sees kyle racing out toward the pumps. bob kicks over a table in disgust. panic. charlie rushes to michael's side. jeep and bob enter the diner to see michael helping charlie to her feet, while audrey continues to pace, the bundle of bloody blankets cradled in her arms. gabriel is looking down upon michael's broken body. something is happening to his skin. the dark writing that covers his body is beginning un-write itself and disappear.